You Sound Too Sexy !

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So I had to stop by the Masjid to pick up Baba but I just wanted to hurry up and go back home and get into bed because I have a really horrible terrible awful cold, and I'm coughing up a lung and sniffling and sneezing, and my voice is so hoarse*

One of the besties is there too.

Bestie: Salaam dear! *hugs* how're you?!

Me: Alhamduli...

Bestie: *slapping a hand over my mouth* GAH! Stop talking!

Me: Gah! Why?!

Bestie: Your voice!

Me: *thinking she wants me to conserve my vocal chords* I'm okay to tal...

Bestie: No! It's not that!

Me: Then what?! Is there a bug?!

Bestie: What? A bug? No!

Me: Then what's wrong?! Why can't I talk?!

Bestie: You sound too sexy!

Me: 😐

Sajmra Talks Part 3 #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now