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Salaam everyone!

As I told you all a few months back, I am going to be having surgery, and now that day has come wa Alhamdulillah for everything.

As I am not allowed to look at electronics, I will be out of commission for a few weeks. In Shaa Allah if there are no updates on me before I come back, that means everything went well Alhamdulillah, there is no need to worry, and I'll see you on my return :)

I really honestly, Allah is my witness and you can ask my bestest friend, did try to write another chapter of Unlocked Hearts before I left, but the stress of preparing for surgery got to me so badly, I feel like I've barely been able to breathe lately :/

So I hope those of you that haven't caught up to the latest update yet will be able to catch up, and leave me a lot of awesome comments to read upon my return ^_^ that would be amazing and just what I need!

And In Shaa Allah when I come back, we will finish UH right up, and begin Finding Qadr and Mended Hearts ^_^

Keep me in your Du'aa In Shaa Allah, and pray that everything goes well please ♥️



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