Funny Throwback

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Salaam everyone

Hope you all are doing well.

Something funny happened, and let's see how many people remember and get the reference.

So I've been having a hard time lately, and a few days ago I got injured quite badly and am having a hard time recovering from it. Alhamdulillah but I'm gonna ask you all to make Du'aa for me please ♥️

My friends decided to take turns stopping by every day to check on me and see if I need anything, and one of my friends came today and surprised me withhhhh

A bagel and a lemonade xD

Lool if you get it, leave an emoji inline here! 


For those of you who don't get
it/never had a chance to read it, this was Sarah's iconic café order that made Mustafa fall in love with her in my posted for a limited amount of time story, Chasing Qadr! 

The only difference was mine was raspberry lemonade lol

It was so hard not to laugh when she gave it to me and I just wanted to come post and tell you all xD


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