Duaa Request

747 185 109

Salaam everyone

In Shaa Allah you are all doing well.

I would like to ask all of you for your Du'aa please. I found out that someone who had been very close to me, and had a strong influence in my life, passed away.

She was my teacher, my mentor, and helped me in so many ways I couldn't even list them all if I tried. She encouraged me, listened to me always, no matter what I had to talk about, even petty teenage drama, and she had a smile on her face always.

I'm having a hard time with this and I'm alternating between shock, not truly believing it happened. and just breaking down in total sobs (like right now).

Please make Du'aa that Allah (‏سبحانه وتعالى) forgives her sins, fills her grave with light, and bestows His mercy upon her. May she be elevated to the highest ranks in Jannah, and may He give her family and those that love her patience.

Barak Allahu Feekum

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