UH ❤️

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Salaam everyone

I hope you are all doing well

I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten the chapter, and no I haven't had surgery yet, (thanks for the messages asking and for the Duaa and well wishes!) I'll let you know when I break for it. I've just been going through a few things so I've been on the down low trying to rest and been doing some thinking and a little writing.

I am still working on the next chapter, #ArrestsAreMade, In Shaa Allah I hope to post it really soon, I've just been trying to make it perfect.

I am so looking forward to it, this chapter is basically what I've been waiting three years for, it's what the rest of the story needs to fall into place, and I'm so excited and yet equally terrified to post it!

I just hope that everyone is also excited to read it, and that I'll have all of your support for it and the ending. It's been a long road that will In Shaa Allah be over soon, and a big thanks to those of you who have stayed with me through it all :)

Just an update to let you all know where I am ❤️ talk to you soon In Shaa Allah


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