This Cricket Has No Conscience

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So I'm being terrorized by a cricket ...

He does not look like Jiminy Cricket

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He does not look like Jiminy Cricket.

He is not nice like Jiminy Cricket.

I am beginning to wonder however, if he can fly like Jiminy Cricket...

It all started once upon a time a week ago...

I was on my bed, when I spotted him just hop hop hopping across my bedroom like he owned the place.

I immediately jumped up, grabbed the container that holds my scissors and rulers and X-Acto knives, pens, etc, emptied it out, and started to sneak up on the cricket, hoping I could catch it...

I went to lower the container...when he jumped right at my face.

So naturally I freaked out and shrieked and ran back to the safety of my bed, and the cricket hopped out of sight.

Later, he reappeared, totally flaunting that he had taken control of my room. My best friend told me that I needed to show that cricket who was boss!

I had no bug spray or anything but I quickly dashed downstairs to grab the Windex! By the time I came back, he was gone...

I put the Windex next to my bed, so I could grab it when I saw him again.

What I wasn't counting on was the fact that when I did see him later that night, I would be across the room, and he... he would be hopping on top of the Windex bottle (which had gotten knocked over).

This cricket was smart. He had commandeered the very thing I had gotten to take him out.

I was losing.

I spent the next week on guard.

I cleaned my room in hopes of catching him, and though I never did, I knew he was there.

I could hear his song of warning for the first two nights. That chirping that pierced the peaceful silence.

But after that he fell quiet, and he remained hidden.

My mistake?

Letting my guard down. I thought I was safe. I thought he had gotten bored and left. Gone to explore another room, perhaps another house.

And that is where he took advantage.

That is when he struck.

Last night, while I was sleeping, he jumped on my foot.

I can still feel it.

I glance around my room now as I write this, knowing he is still here.

Knowing it's only a matter of time before he appears again.




Loool Salaam everyone ^_^

Thanks for listening to my woeful story of the cricket that is ruining my life xD I hope you all are doing well!

I miss you so much and I miss writing!! In Shaa Allah I have a hugeeeeee appointment tomorrow that I really really need your Du'aa for!!! In Shaa Allah if all goes well, I will try to do some small writing this weekend ♥️♥️♥️


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