20 Facts About Me 👑

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Just to post this here in bold letters before people freak out...

Yes. I realize I have tagged some people who have already posted the disclaimer that exempts them from having to do this again. I am only tagging you so that I will get to enjoy the pleasure of you reading and interacting on my post, not so you will have to do it again. Take a breath lol)

Since apparently Le_Muslim_MAN has declared that killer clowns (which honestly I think a 'killer clown' is an oxymoron within itself... so creepy) and men hiding in closets will pop out if I don't do this 20 facts about me thing, a joke, and a spoiler about one of my books, AND tag some people (I can't remember the exact number so I just tagged till I got bored lol), here I go! (Lol go to his book to see what in the world I am talking about xD)

1. I used to be severely allergic to peanuts, but I outgrew it in fourth grade.

2. I had a Native American nurse that used to come to my house to give me my medicine infusions, and she lived on the reservation and wore her cultural jewelry and hairstyles (she had to wear scrubs lol) and because we would be together for seven hours she used to tell me such interesting stories!

3. I love pecan pie, especially frozen.
(For the record I had another thing here but someone decided to kind of be rude even though i don't know why they'd to that they don't even know my name let alone who I am :/) and someone else replied and I just wanted to cut things off before it escalated. Just let us enjoy things please 😬)

4. I'm eating French Fries (I can't believe I'm stuck and it's only number 4 lol)

5. I once sprained my foot and ankle so badly right before a six hour flight, that I had to spend the entire flight with a foot that was swollen black and to three times it size! (And the meanie flight attendant LAUGHED at me! Jerk!)

6. I love purple grapes ^_^

7. I finally watched The Incredibles 2 the other day. It was cute :) I automatically knew who the bad guy was, and it wasn't as great as the first one, but I liked it. Jack Jack had wayyyyy too many powers lol but I get the pun 'Jack of all trades' lol

8. I am very distraught by all of the trailers and images that have been coming out for the live action Aladdin movie ... they're going to ruin the movie SOO badly and I'm so upset about it! (GENIE WAS NOT BUFF WITH SIX PACK ABS!) 😞

9. Continuing on my movie kick lol I can't wait for Wreck it Ralph 2, Ralph Breaks the Internet to come out on DVD 😍 I'm so excited! The first one is one of my favorite movies in the world, and I wasn't able to watch the second one in theaters! I just hope I can find someone to watch it with me! 🙂

10. I once had a duck follow me around the entire night at a party that took place outside at the beach lol at one point he even sat quietly by my chair! When I first realized he was following me I looked at him and said 'you're a duck' and he just quacked at me before walking again like 'come on!'

11. I rode a camel once and no joke when it stood up and sat down it was scarier than any rollercoaster I'd ever been on xD

12. For like ten years this lady has been calling me by the wrong name and I was just wayyyyy too embarrassed to correct her, plus it had been going on for too long I was in too deep. And she also didn't know my brother's real name either! I was at the point where I'd rather just legally change my name than say 'um that name you've been calling me for 10 years isn't mine...' loool luckily someone heard her calling me it and corrected her and I got the heck out of there before she realized I had heard...but man...

13. Why does 20 seem so long when you're doing this, but so short in awesome stuff like a 20 minute episode of The Office (American version of course) one of my favorite shows?

14. While Aladdin is my favorite Disney fairytale, it is not my favorite fairytale. That depends on the retelling :) (seeing as the originals are so creepy...)

15. One of my most favorite books in the world is Robin: Lady of Legend. It's a retelling of Robin Hood, but Robin is a girl. It's a fantastic story and the writing is simple superb. (I could spend the rest of the points listing my other favorite fairytale retellings....lol okay fine I won't lol I'll make another post for that!)

16. I really like older shows, I hate the blah television 'shows' especially the 'kids' ones we have nowadays. One of my favorites that my bro actually got for me is Sister Sister ! I can't wait to watch it! I also love Family Matters ^_^

17. I love artificial cherry flavor, but real cherry flavor isn't my favorite. I don't dislike it though.

18.  I had 15 biological aunts and uncles, and 5 step aunts and uncles that I have known practically my whole life also Alhamdulillah (Allah yerham the ones that passed away ♥️)

19. I honestly have no clue how many cousins (and second cousins and third cousins and so on) that I have lol before my grandma passed away, she had raised her great great granddaughter for about eleven years Ma Shaa Allah!

20. Um umm ummm!!! One of my dreams since I was little has been to voice a cartoon character lol my friends all say I should voice a Disney princess (which I know would be highly improbable but would be SO COOL!) or a bunny xD

A joke....I'm not great with jokes... ummm....okay lol

What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?

Okay ummmm spoiler.... (if you don't have a book, just write a spoiler that you think would be awesome to have in a book lol)

They don't get married...

Sorry lol don't hate me xD just remember this could be from ANY of my books to come. Don't automatically start freaking out like I know some of you will (and actually I can already imagine a specific person freaking out the most lol)

If you don't have your own book and want to participate in adding a couple or your own 20 facts go ahead and comment in the comments :)

AeroKitKat Aillurophilee Anonymous_AI crazyme_97 Duaashaykh LubnAbdulrahim OneInAMelon_ saa_naleem SanaShaikh22 Star_That_Shines xcandie_bunnieX Bunnicula0 GEEKLYCOOL ycherif02 TheStrivingHijabi TheHalalPanther Pt333333 Justsmile181 nooceeH

This post, '20 Facts About Me', posted February 11, 2019, hereby exempts me from any further obligatory participation in any and all related posts that I may be tagged in beginning from this date onward for the next twelve months! ^_^

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