Salaam :)

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Salaam everyone!

In Shaa Allah all of you are doing well!

I just wanted to drop in and say Salaam to everyone!

While I am doing much better after my surgery Alhamdulillah, I still am not completely in the clear from my doctor yet. As I still need some resting and downtime, I will only be on here once in awhile, if that, until I get the okay from him. But I wanted to just come on and ease everyone's minds that I am okay Alhamdulillah since a lot of people have been worried!

That being said, JazakumAllahuKhairan to those of you that remembered me and took the time to message and post comments and check in on my Message Board! I have only been able to look at a handful of things so far, but I have been completely overwhelmed by the amount of people, including some people who I haven't seen in forever, that have come out to post on my Message Board to check in on me! It has made my heart smile, and I wish I could tag each and every one of you on here to let you know how much I appreciate it ♥️ (I'm going to have to ask for your continued patience in waiting for me to respond though ^_^)

In times of hardship you truly find out who is there for you and supports you Alhamdulillah!

I also want to thank @therahmaawards for being so patient since I haven't been able to complete my interview on time. I especially want to thank brother @NaeemNaufer who has been behind the scenes working with my schedule since before this contest started, may Allah reward him! writer_muslimah if it is still possible, I'd like to complete my interview once I'm able to come back full time :)

In Shaa Allah I hope to be back as soon as possible ♥️

Until then...




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