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AsalamuAlaikum everyone

How're y'all doing?

Long time no talk I know, things just happen sometimes :) Alhamdulillah

A lot of you have posted and sent messages, but I've barely come on here, I am so behind there are bazillions of comments and messages I haven't read.

Alhamdulillah just trying to rest and get through the days even though they at the same time seem to be flying lol

I've been reading a lot (I'm almost done with The Selection series, America .... she just totally annoys me!) Have you all been reading anything new?

Also, I FINALLY got the Aladdin movie ! Can you believe I of all people haven't seen it yet? I'm waiting for my best friend to be available to watch it with me, In Shaa Allah soon!

What's new with all of you?


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