I Just Hope

762 156 59

4 am insomnia writing...

I just hope you understand
That it's not wealth that I'm after in a man

I'd much rather have a connection, happiness, and love
Respect, laughter, and friendship, things to thank Him above

I want love like that of Fatima (ra) and
Ali (ra)
Where his only possession, given to him by Rasul Allah, was her dowry*
Despite his lack of wealth they were rich in faith and had blessings aplenty
And how could such a beautiful marriage not be good enough for me?

I just hope that you realize
That I know that these things may take time
I'm not so worried about waiting or growing older
The time will come when it does for it's written in Qadr

Like the love story of Zaineb (ra) how long she had to wait
For her husband to be hers, twenty years it did take**
She waited, prayed, and hoped because it was him she loved and wanted
And if that is what Allah (swt) has written, then I too will wait like the daughter of Muhammad (pbuh)

I'm not in a hurry, there is no rush
It's not an ending destination I'm after, but a journey filled with love
Allah has it all written, planned out from the beginning
All we can do is pray, hope, try, and trust in Him

He's the Most Merciful, the Provider, and the Generous, surely you understand
And our Rizq is not ours to worry, it's all in His hands

*When Ali (ra) went to propose to Fatima (ra) the Prophet (pbuh) asked what he had to give her as a dowry. He said that he only had a shield that the Prophet (pbuh) himself had given him, and the Prophet (pbuh) accepted because of his character and his faith.

Because of the love between Ali (ra) and Fatima (ra) they wanted to be together so badly it didn't matter to them their material wealth. And Allah (swt) is the Provider.

**The story of Zaineb (ra) and her husband is gonna require an entire different post because I just reread the story again while writing this poem and just am COMPLETELY sobbing! People are romanticizing these abuse stories on here, and I want a marriage like Ali (ra) and Fatima (ra) and Rasul Allah and Khadija (ra) and Aisha (ra).

In Shaa Allah 💙

May Allah swt make it easy on anyone who is trying to find a spouse, or has someone but needs the means to get married. May He make it so that we all have happy and loving marriages like the beautiful examples we had before us, and those of you that are married, may He make it a blessed marriage, and ease any hardships.


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