Chapter 2

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"That was a dirty trick you pulled back there" I growled, jumping down from the branch in front of Kakashi just at the border of the village

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"That was a dirty trick you pulled back there" I growled, jumping down from the branch in front of Kakashi just at the border of the village. I had hid my chakra as I rounded on him so he couldn't sense my approach

Unfortunately, this was a jutsu Kakuzu himself had taught me so I hadn't sensed him following just a few yards back. He had taught me way back when I was 15 years old, so my mind was far from remembering or suspecting that he was on my tail at this time.

"I can't be blamed for you swooning at the sight of me. It's not my fault you're used to gazing upon the common looks of those Akatsuki men." He said like this was a casual conversation, but his eyes were narrowed and he positioned himself in a fighting stance. "Besides, you started it." He added, his voice surprisingly monotone even for the childish phrase he used.

He smirked seeing how my mask was unable to fully hide my blush the way his had failed him earlier.

"Cut the crap!" I shouted, trying to cover my embarassment with rage. "Hand over the vial and I'll try to keep your wounds as quick and painless as possible."

For some reason at the mention of the vial his form relaxed and he took a step back with a chuckle.

"What's so funny?!" I hissed, his casual demeanor starting to annoy me.

"You're about 5 minutes too late." He answered, pretending there was a watch on his wrist to check.

Cursing under my breath I forgot about bickering with the silver haired fool and leap to the nearest tree with the intention of disappearing and swiftly making my way to the village to find whoever it was that had the vial now. I'd have to come back for Kakashi. I knew his chakra enough to be able to track it back down, but not the mystery buyer who must now have the vial.

"Water Encampent Wall!" Kakashi suddenly shouted.

A wall of water splashed high above the trees I was in and crashed down, sweeping me back within its waves. I grabbed onto a passing branch and pulled myself out of the water as it continued its path to the forest floor.

"You're wasting your time. It was consumed immediately upon purchase, it's all gone." Kakashi informed.

I looked back at him with a scowl and narrowed my eyes upon noticing his mocking pout from the shape of his lower lip pushed against his mask.

"That's too bad for you." I responded, jumping down from the branch and landing in a crouch. I held my stance and eyed him menacingly as I tried to assess his next move.

"And why's that?" He asked, sounding like he was simply playing along until he got bored.

"Because, you've just significantly decreased the time you have left until your last breath." and with that I simply vanished before his eyes.

I didn't leap onto a branch or run behind a trunk. I remained in the same crouch I had dropped into and was only just now standing with a small smirk gracing my lips as I watched his perplexed reaction.

His brow furrowed and I could tell he was concentrating hard to try and sense my whereabouts.

I had never bothered to use this jutsu of my own creation against Kakashi before because I had never been aiming to kill, only maim or knock unconscious. We had sparred enough times that I had come to respect Kakashi's skills and knew that I had to step up to the next level if I wanted to get close enough to work my next jutsu right.

If I was to 'kill' him properly, I needed to be able to get behind him and place my index and middle finger firmly against the pressure points in his neck after executing the proper hand signs without interruption-like the interruption a fight would bring.

When Nagato first told me that I was to be trained to be an assassin my stomach jumbled up into knots like you would not believe. But I couldn't refuse him. He'd given me a life and a home. So from the comfort of my small bedroom every night I worked on this idea, which eventually became my own personal jutsu. A way to 'appease' the Akatsuki while avoiding actually killing someone.

I had performed it dozens of times and as I approached Kakashi's back side I started to execute it the same as I had always done.

Kakashi didn't suspect a thing or know how close I had come to him until my fingers grazed his skin, applying the appropriate pressure to his neck.

His shoulders slacked and body crumpled to the ground. He was out like a light. If I didn't know any better, I would have guessed him dead. Anyone looking at him would see that he didn't draw breath and his chest didn't heave with air either. He still continued to do such things, but the illusion cast on him masked the signs from anyone who might pass. The purpose of the technique was to trap the victim in this state for hours-enough time to 'confirm' I had done my duty in case I was with another member or if someone felt the need to double check my work.

Satisfied with my handiwork I dropped my cover and stepped over his body, ready to report back to base.

It was only a few yards through the forest that I finally sensed a familiar presence.


I stopped in my tracks and used my senses to search the area around me. Eyes closed and hearing intensified, I took a step back just as he silently dropped down from the branch above me.

"Why were you following me?" I asked, not wasting time to bullshit with this bastard.

"It's good to see all those years Pain dedicated to training you didn't go to waste, Haruhi" Was all he said, not answering my question straight forward.

"Of course it didn't. If he says 'jump', I say 'quick or merciless?'" I told him, trying to sound every bit as deadly and loyal as I was supposed to be.

"Haruhi!" A shout came from a distance behind me.

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes in anger at the sound, and yet the look of sweet satisfaction swept over his face. "Quick or merciless, huh?"

I had been so focused on keeping up appearances with Kakuzu I failed to keep my guard up for any chakra entering the area.

Almost in slow motion I turned to face the oncoming Kakashi, hoping that by some chance my ears deceived me. But, no. There he was, only minutes after I performed my jutsu on him, barreling through the trees towards me as he flawlessly performed hand signs for some attack.

And then he stopped in what looked like shock, eyes wide staring straight through behind me...

That's when Kakuzu slammed the full force of his elbow into my neck and up against the base of my skull. Kakuzu caught me around the waist as my unconscious body slumped forward and threw me over his shoulder.

When Kakuzu looked up Kakashi had vanished again, probably with another teleportation jutsu.

"They never should have given him to her" he grunted as he leaped into the branches and headed straight back to the base.

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now