Chapter 4

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After traveling for 2 days and nights straight, I finally arrived at the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village in the dead of night. By the position of the moon I estimated it to be somewhere around 2-3 in the morning. With my chakra hidden and no one able to see me, it was easy to pass through without any ANBU waking to rush me.

Knowing it was best not to bring any evidence with me I had rid myself of Nagato's robe and burned it a few miles back beyond the village border. The time of night and my jutsu were the only things keeping me comfortable enough to proceed considering the state of my top, but I still couldn't help but blush and search for the nearest clothing stand to change. 

Combing through the racks, I found myself being quite picky until I came across a pretty off the shoulder white top with intricate blue detailing and blue straps. (obviously the photo below, which is kinda perfect because that's also the same anime character I'm basing Yuki off of) At first I stared at the outfit because it was so strange. It certainly wasn't styled like anything I'd every worn before since my range of options had always been ninja outfit 1 or ninja outfit 2.

And that's when it hit me

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And that's when it hit me...Just like I haven't seen myself in anything so casual before, Kakashi has never seen me in anything so casual. He's also never seen my face. No one has in 13 years. I've worn this mask around everyone who'd ever laid eyes on me the day after I was informed I would become an assassin. I never wanted anyone to be able to look upon my true face and see death and destruction the same way every other Akatsuki member was looked at.

And that's when my plan finally came together. On my way here, I hadn't been too sure yet exactly what I planned to do to get back at Kakashi, but now I knew. But first, I seriously needed to feel clean. 

Continuing to enjoy the peace of the night I slipped into the hot water at the public bath. I removed all of my bandages and tucked them away into the pocket of my new shorts. Then I combed out my hair from the braid and sank down into the water, letting its warmth wash away my anger and anxiety for just a moment. 

Once I was nice and pruny I finally adorned my new wardrobe and for the first time in years, allowed my hair to hang free across my shoulders. I forgot how pretty the violet shimmer in my hair could be in the moonlight. 

Since it was still pretty early by that point, I sought out a tailor shop and repaired the damage to my ninja outfit just in case I needed it again someday. Then I found a place just outside the gates in a small cave hidden behind a thick brush of trees to hide it in the mean time. I also tucked my mask bandages within the folds. 

Shit! I swore in my head, having forgotten to keep track of time and just now noticing the moon creeping below the horizon and the sun ready to break through the ground. 

Jumping back over the gate, I quickly darted my way through the streets before I finally came across the building that held the familiar chakra of Kakashi. I climbed my up the side of the building until I came across a window that I was sure to be his. Peering through, I saw a slumbering form, bundled up under the covers. His back was towards me, but there was no doubt in my mind I recognized the silver hair that stuck out from under the covers.

I slid the window open and scooped a leg over the sill. This was it, the beginning of a long game in which I was going to use everything Kakashi didn't know about me to make him believe I was a figment of his imagination he was hallucinating and make him think he was going mad. This was going to be fun.

Suddenly the alarm on the night stand started to beep, nearly giving me a heart attack. This wouldn't look good for my plan I thought, imaging Kakashi waking to me half in and out of the window. He'd immediately suspect I was real making it difficult to convince him otherwise.

I dropped to the ground to take cover, making sure to reach out and slam the snooze button along the way to quickly stop it before it was too late. I held my breath, waiting by the edge of the bed for any sign that I was too late. The only movement I heard was a shift in the side he was laying on and then it stopped. I continued to wait there for about half an hour before I felt comfortable in the fact that he wasn't waking up. 

It wasn't for another hour or so later that he finally stirred and I took position. 

"Good morning, Kakashi." I chimed next to him where I was crouched in a squat on the empty side of his queen sized bed.

I giggled 'innocently' as he looked to nearly have a heart attack and fell over the side of the bed. I managed to get one more glimpse of his naked face as he fell, but he already had it covered up a second later when he peered over the covers.

He quickly did a double take scanning over my body and then his. Probably assessing the fact that we were both fully clothed and I was not a one night stand he somehow forgot was sleeping next to him.

I pretended to be bashful and looked to the side, covering my 'blushing' cheeks with a raised shoulder. "what's wrong Kakashi?"

"I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, still thinking he had managed to forget some woman he'd slept with. "Who are you?" His visible eye was squinting like he was readying for me to get angry and punch him at the question.

"I don't know," I responded with a perplexed look on my face. I shifted, plopping my butt down on the bed and swinging one leg back and forth over the side while I hugged the other to my chest, "I thought you knew." I pouted, placing my cheek on my knee and watching him with doe eyes.

His brow furrowed now and I could tell he was trying to read my chakra, to see if he could sense something familiar, but my jutsu gave him nothing. No chakra. No life force. When he finally realized what I wanted him to, his one eye widened. "Why would I know that?" Kakashi asked hesitantly.

"Because you created me silly. I'm part of your conscious, I came from your imagination..." He jumped straight up, slowly stepping around the bed towards me now. Now I furrowed my brow and turned my pout to a frown. "You don't remember me?" I asked, adding annoyance to my voice, "Well don't worry, I'm not going anywhere now that you I'm here-so you'll remember real soon." And with that I cloaked myself so to him I had disappeared right in front of his eyes.

I chuckled to myself, which luckily he couldn't hear anything I said as long as I was cloaked. He stared wide eyed through me where I just was, and continued to sit-and then he finally noticed the clock that had been out of his view behind my back.

"Is that really the time?!" He shouted, then barreled out the bedroom door. In a flash he was dressed and gone and I followed behind him curiously, still cloaked from everyone's view.

Once he entered what looked to be a school building, I decided to take my technique a step further. I adjusted the cloak so that now Kakashi could see me, but only he could see or hear me. To everyone else in the world there was nothing there.

I kept a few steps behind him and so far it seemed he had yet to notice I had reappeared.

He opened a classroom door and started to enter, but then stopped short. I was behind him now and noticed white powder in the air around his head. Then he entered the room and I saw him pick up a chalk eraser and realized what had happened. In front of him stood three little kids who all looked like their hearts stopped when he called them all idiots.

So he's a sensei, huh? I think I can have some real fun with this

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now