Chapter 37

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Narrator's POV

Each Jonin on this mission, scattered about where they had been assigned, had been waiting for near a month now. They'd been pretending to be prestigious doctors for near a month now which was starting to get difficult. Each doctor that they have taken on the disguise of had a protege who was brought in on the operation so they could assist them with the important day to day matters. They did have to keep up appearances to keep down suspicion, and suddenly tanking a doctor's reputation would certainly be suspicious.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hatami." Gai/Dr. Karuma thanked his protege, who had just helped explain the test results he was just given so that he could properly explain them to the patient.

"I already told you, doctor, it's just Ms. Hatami. Although, I am also Dr. Hatami to you as well." She corrected Gai.

"I know, I'm sorry Dr Hatami. I still just can't believe a wonderful woman such as yourself isn't taken already. Please forgive me." Gai responded and flashed her his-well, Dr Karuma's-award winning grin.

But, Dr. Hatami wasn't phased by it and shook her head with a small laugh. She opened the office door to leave, then stopped and glanced back at Gai, "Well it's about time you start believing, because there's not a man out there who's been able to handle me yet." She told him with a wink, then exited the room; leaving Gai awe struck and jaw dropped.

The door knob started to open and Gai cleared his throat, trying to get back his composure before the patient entered. He opened the folder and shuffled through the paperwork one more time, going over in his head everything Dr. Hatami had reviewed with him. He had met the patient once before when they arrived for their first consultation. Mr. Hiro, an older gentleman with pepper hair and glasses. Dr. Hatami had stayed in the room and assisted him step by step with that one. Now he was back for follow up on some test results. Gai heard the audible click of the door closing, and put down the paperwork and looked up at the patient.

This is it Gai thought when he looked up to find a man much younger than himself with chin-length white hair entered the room. All of Gai's instincts told him to seize the moment and take the upper hand-but he needed to be Dr. Karuma long enough to make it into their hideout. Gai kept his expression neutral and stood up from his desk, "You must be Mr. Hiro's son. I'm Dr. Karuma. Thank you for being with him today." Gai offered his hand in introduction. The young man eyed his hand for a moment, then took it with a smirk.

"It just keeps getting easier." He muttered to himself before clasping Gai's hand tight. Gai felt a small prick against his skin before the color of the walls started to swirl together. But just before he collapsed, he managed to activate the tracker sewn into the bottom of his coat.


Gai groaned as his senses slowly came back to him. For a moment he wondered if he had nodded off and he snapped up stark straight and eyes wide, worried about Dr. Hatami seeing him like this. But, then he looked around and remembered the young man who had walked into the office just before he blacked out.

As if his thoughts had been heard, the door opened and in stepped the young man from before. He cast his violet eyes on Gai's and nodded his head up in gesture for him to get up. "It's about time you got up." He scoffed, then immediately turned around and left the room again. He left the door open behind him as he went, an unspoken gesture for Gai to move and follow.

Gai leaned against the wall as he picked himself up from the floor-adding in a stumble and nervous jitters to keep into character. He pretended to pat out the wrinkles and check his pockets for anything missing. Once his hands were hidden in the pocket, he used the moment to press the button he'd stitched into the cuff of his jacket-activating his and Kakashi's lense.

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