Chapter 38

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Narrator's POV

The door to the 'research room' opened slowly, so as not to make a sound. Gai looked up, with wide and saddened eyes from what he had been reading, to see a familiar face enter the room. Sasuke gave a final glance down the hall, and once assured no one was around he closed the door back behind him.

"Have you come for Yukaru?" He asked while his back was still turned, locking the door in case anyone did try to enter.

Gai sweat dropped, afraid his familiarity with Sasuke had made him. "Have I come here?! I was brought here forcibly, thank you very much." He pretended to be indignant by the boy's statement.

"Drop the act, Gai." Sasuke sighed in annoyance at his act. He turned around to face him, his onyx pupils gone as he watched him with his sharingan eyes. "I'm not here to bust you. Yukaru doesn't belong here. Not in her condition. So, if you're really here to rescue her, then you'll have to act now." He told him. 

"Does this mean you'll fight beside me to get her out?" Gai questioned.

"I cannot help fight. Only Yukaru is leaving. But, as long as we're not seen, I can show you the way out." Sasuke answered. 

"If that's all you can give us, then we can't leave now. We need reinforcements. If we are caught-just me trying to protect a heavily medicated pregnant woman isn't going to get far against all of Orochimaru's men barreling down on us." Gai argued.

Sasuke's brows furrowed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't like to waste time arguing when he was right to begin with. "You didn't give Yukaru the shot, did you?" He asked, already knowing the answer but needing Gai to say it aloud.


"Then, we don't have time. As soon as it wears off, which will be any minute now, her emotions will be off the charts and with it-her power. She can tear this place down with her bear hands if she wanted, and she probably will. And, when that happens, she will definitely have everyone's undivided attention. At least if you follow me, you may have some time before you get noticed-if at all. So you better be ready, because you're leaving now." Sasuke ordered. Then, he unlocked and held the door open, not allowing Gai to wait any longer.

With Sasuke forcing his hand, Gai hoped trusting him now wouldn't be a regret later. Once Gai stood, Sasuke started down the hall and Gai followed behind with his head hung low, trying to look like Sasuke was escorting him somewhere in case anyone passed. In no time they were at Yukaru's door, but before Sasuke could reach for the doorknob it sounded like an explosion went off within the room and the walls shook. Sasuke and Gai exchanged an equally wide eyed glance "So much for going unnoticed." Sasuke muttered as he opened the door.


Kakashi heard what sounded like a large crash at the same time he saw Gai's vision in his sharingan eye shake from the unsteady ground beneath him. Kakashi looked down at his tracker and confirmed that, finally, he was almost there. He looked up and saw a cloud of dust from the debris just above the trees to his right. Just knowing she was on the other side, Kakashi got his second wind and ran faster than he'd ever before to get there.

Kakashi jumped through the last of the tree line separating him from Orochimaru's hideout and stopped to catch himself as the ground shook again after another loud bang. Kakashi had to step back and shield himself from flying debris as the rock wall in front of him blew out. Another cloud of dust lingered and all he could make out was a silhouette, crouched to shield their body just like he had. No more falling wreckage, the silhouette stood and opened its eyes-two white orbs glowing through the dust.

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara