Chapter 34

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So it seems my writer's block just needed a two hour car ride to the relatives for the holidays and nothing to do but think and listen to music. Hope this belated chapter is to your liking. Like I said in the Story Note I already had ideas for the next chapters, so if this one isn't to your liking then just bare with me until the next chapter. Thanks for all your support!

When I left the village I made sure to cloak myself so that no one would see me leaving or where I was going; and I kept myself cloaked until I reached my destination: The Village Hidden by Sound-Otogakure. This was the only detail I had to go on based on the Sound Four who had assisted Orochimaru in his escape that day they attacked the village. Once I got there, how to proceed was a completely new matter to me. I'd never tried to join the clan of the man I hated most who is also one of the most wanted criminals at this time. Since it was suspected that this village was hiding Orochimaru, I figured he would have eyes and ears across the village. So I decided to start with simply waiting to see if he'd come to me. 

It was my fourth day in the village and I sat down to lunch at cafe that was near where I was staying. It was quickly becoming a regular for me and I placed my order of dumplings and tea and waited.

"What's this?" I asked the waitress when she brought out my tea with something sticking out of it. 

"Oh, that's a cinnamon stick. I know it's not what you ordered, but since you've tried a new tea every day we were hoping you might be willing to try out a new style we were considering putting on the menu." She answered with a closed eye grin. "This one is a cinnamon chai tea with honey."

I picked up the cup and gave the cinnamon stick a swirl as I took a deep breath of the steam rising from it. It's aroma had heavy spice scent from the cinnamon, overpowering the chai and honey. "I guess I wouldn't mind giving it a try." I gave her a smile back.

"Thank you. Please let us know what you think." She gave a small half bow as she backed up from the table then walked over to her next table waiting. 

I inhaled another breath of the spicy aroma then parted the folds of my mask just at my lips and took a small sip to test it first. The spice was warm but sweet from the honey and I took a bigger drink as I enjoyed the flavor. As I finished the cup, the waitress came back with my plate of dumplings. "You finished the whole thing already." She observed in surprise, "I assume that means it was good." She added hopefully.

"Yes, it was-" The sound of the cup shattering to pieces as I dropped it filled the little cafe. A wave of dizziness and light headed wafted over me all at once, "-very good" I managed to finish my sentence through slurred speech before blacking out. 

Several hours later, my consciousness slowly awoke. I kept my eyes closed and head in its lax position while I assessed the situation I was in. I knew I was resting against cold metal and there was pressure around my wrist even though I didn't feel any cloth or twine touching my skin. This left me to assume-without attempting to struggle against my restraints-that my wrists and feet were bound with a chakra binding to a chair. Most likely in the confines of a cell or interrogation room by how quiet everything was around me.

"You can open your eyes now." A voice hissed and crackled across what sounded like a speaker. A dark cold chill ran down my spine as I recognized the voice that rolled off that serpent's tongue. I stifled the natural reaction to scowl in disgust at Orochimaru's presence and opened my eyes, finding no point in pretending to sleep now that I'd been made.

I opened my eyes and held my gaze pointedly straight ahead at the two way mirror. I hoped that maybe he was on the other side staring straight into my eyes, and that maybe I looked intimidating if I managed to hold his gaze by chance.

"Why are you here?" His voice cut out from the speaker as the door cracked open and entered the room himself "Last we spoke you were quite insistent on staying in the Village Hidden in the Leaves."

"Last we spoke?" I laughed sarcastically, ", I wouldn't exactly have called that a conversation. No matter-" I cleared my throat, trying to transition to a more serious tone," -I finally came to terms with the fact that I want to know more about my 'light' as you called it. And since you made it abundantly clear during our 'conversation' that you share in this interest, I assumed you wouldn't be against using your resources to help me pursue this."

Orochimaru circled around me while I remained restrained to the chair, contemplating my words with narrowed eyes. "And that copy cat ninja of yours? Where is he in all this?" He questioned.

"I am not responsible for him and he is not responsible for me, so he is no where in these matters. He blames my 'light' for what happened and wants to suppress me; but that's not enough for me." I clenched my jaw and gritted my teeth as I spoke of him, trying to convey anger towards what I said about Kakashi. I also knew where I had led this conversation and it was about to get hard. But, I had to stay strong, I couldn't falter in front of Orochimaru...I also knew I needed to give him something real if he was going to believe me. Even if I was twisting the truth around it...Kakashi never blamed me for losing the baby.

"It's been some time since our last encounter, please refresh my memory on what happened?" He implored, having caught on to my words and leading his inquiry right where I had wanted him to.

"I was expecting, but now...due to the 'exertion' of our last encounter I miscarried." I said and immediately took a deep and discreet breath to keep myself calm.

Orochimaru's face suddenly lit up in excitement and he looked like he was trying not to laugh; and I was not to scowl and curse every obscenity at him for it. "So Nagato had it right! You really were bedding the enemy." He said in shock. Then he started a mocking slow clap for me. "I must admit, I never thought you had it in you Haruhi; but apparently you had it in you all along-well, you had Hatake in you to be more precise." He added in a little wink at the end of his broad cocky smirk. He was trying to rile me up, watch me slip up.

And I almost did. Immediately I was ready to yell and argue his insinuations, but I bit my tongue and thought better of it. "The only thing Nagato has ever been right about was taking me in; or else you wouldn't have your 'little light' sitting right here ready for the taking." I scoffed as I spoke of Nagato. "As for Hatake, well, I didn't want to make a liar out of Nagato after everything he'd done for me." I added with mock innocence in my tone.

Orochimaru knelt down right in front of my chair, his hands grasping the top of mine that were strapped to the arms. His yellow slitted eyed peered up at me through the black hair fallen over his face. "You've grown fiestier, Haruhi." He chuckled. "I quite like it on you. But it will do you good while you're here not to let it get to your head and to remember who gives the orders." His grip tightened and nails dug into my palms as his fingers curled around my hand, "Have I made myself clear?" He hissed in warning.

I gave a curt nod, not once looking away from him for even a second. "Crystal."

"Good." He gave the stop of my hands a pat, then stood up. "Now, for the first order of business in our 'partnership' know I like this look you've got, it goes well with this new side of you, but-" he circled around the chair and I lost sight of him as he stood behind me. I looked up to the mirror and watched this wicked smirk grace his lips as he ran his fingers up the back of my neck and gathered a fistful of my hair. "-I feel like it's just not quite right." The blade of a kunai glinted in the mirror as he pulled the knife from his pocket. He pulled on my hair, tugging my head back as he brought the knife threateningly close. "It needs a little more work."

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora