Chapter 36

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Sorry if there was any confusion when I published Chapter 35. As I mentioned Wattpad was acting wonky on me and I didn't notice until the next day that it posted the same chapter twice. I swear that wasn't on purpose.

Yukaru won't be in this chapter, but it's still got important details pertaining to her. It's all narrator's POV back in Konoha. Now back to the story.

Narrator's POV

Time Skip-3 months later

Kakashi took a long swig of his drink that he ordered to unwind after the mission he'd just been on. His students certainly knew how to stress him and wear him out.

A hand clasped tight onto his shoulder and he took another drink when he saw Jiraiya take the seat next to him.  "What's the matter, my good fellow?" He asked with another pat to his shoulder. Kakashi just peered at him with a raised brow, then turned back to his drink for another swig. Jiraiya leaned in close to Kakashi "You know what I think?" He said quietly with a jab to his side.

"I don't think anyone wants to know what you think, Jiraiya." Kakashi finally responded to him.

"Says the man who could run the Icha Icha fan club." Jiraiya scoffed. He gave Kakashi another grand pat to the shoulder and turned him in his stool to face him. "I think I've never seen the great copy ninja look so lonely. We need to get you a pretty girl to talk to." He told him.

Kakashi rolled his eye at Jiraiya, then turned back to his drink. "No thanks, Jiraiya. I've already got a girl." He told him.

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes at Kakashi as he leaned in closer. "I've heard that before, but I've never seen her. I'm starting to think this 'girl' is just a diversion. You know you can come to your Uncle Jiraiya if you're having *cough* lady issues." Jiraiya got dramatic, clutching his chest when he called himself 'Uncle Jiraiya'.

Kakashi groaned in annoyance and fished his hand in one of his vest pockets. He pulled out a photo and slapped it down on the bar top in front of Jiraiya. It was a photo that Naruto had taken of the three of them together during one of his unannounced visits after Yuki had moved in. Without a word, Kakashi turned back to his drink, but it was now empty. He flagged down the bartender for another order, then picked the photo back up once Jiraiya had gotten a good look.

Jiraiya snatched the photo back from him before it went back in his pocket. Jiraiya brought the photo close and squinted his eyes at it, deep in thought.

"That's not research." Kakashi scolded, assuming he was taking a good look for his Icha Icha books. He took the photo from his hands, but Jiraiya snatched it right back again. This time Jiraiya laid it down on the bar top and pulled out a pencil from his pouch. "Jiraiya, what are you doing?!" Kakashi started to get aggravated as the pervy sage started to draw on his photo. Kakashi tried to grab it from him again, but Jiraiya slid it out of his reach and turned his back to him while he finished up.

"I hope your students have better patience than you." Jiraiya teased him. Finally Jiraiya turned back around, shoving his masterpiece in Kakashi's face.

Kakashi felt ready to clobber Jiraiya right upside the head, but then he saw what he drew and froze. Jiraiya had scribbled a mask over her face and drew an outline over her hair-one side shoulder length, one side only a few inches long against her scalp.

"You met her?" Kakashi asked anxiously, hoping to hear something good.

Jiraiya rubbed the back of his neck nervously, trying to collect his thoughts. "You could say that." He drawled out, then quickly changed his tone before Kakashi noticed his behavior. "So how did this-" he erased half of the drawing, making it looks like a before & after, "-become this?" He asked.

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora