Chapter 24

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Finally noticing our surroundings when I tried to part, Kakashi continued to follow me as I walked over to my little 'humble abode'. When he noticed items scattered about the cave he strode ahead of me. With one hand above his head supporting himself up against the stone entrance, he leaned forward and gazed about.

"So this is the apartment just big enough for 'me, myself and I?" He noted aloud as he continued to peer around for a moment longer. Kakashi finally turned his attention from the quaint cave with a questioning look. "Have you been living here this whole time?"

""Well, obviously not whole time. I did start out here...being imaginary doesn't exactly rake in the money" I responded and his blush mirrored mine when he realized what I 'obviously' meant...the nights I laid in his bed while calming him from his nightmares.

"And now?"

"Yeah," I slowly let out, "I'm working on it." I added with a nervous chuckle.

"You're not bidding me goodnight just yet." He said, then ducked his head and stepped into the cave.

"You don't need to stay. I'm fine, really." My voice raised a little higher than I would have liked as I quickly followed behind him.

I reached for his arm to pull him out and shoo him away, but he bent over and I missed my mark. Kakashi scooped a few of my bags up in his arms and turned to me with an expectant look that demanded I follow his lead. "Well-" he drawled when I just stared at him with an expression that was somehow both blank and confused at the same time.

"Well what?"

"Well are you going to grab the rest of your things or leave them behind?" He asked as he ducked his head again and stepped outside the stone walls.

"Leave them... behind?" I slowly repeated as my mind refused to put together what he was getting at.

He stopped at the edge of the entrance and turned back to me, this time supporting his weight with his elbow against the side. "Well, obviously you're not staying here anymore. You'll stay with me until you can get a real apartment." Then without waiting for me to argue he turned around and disappeared into the dark shadows of the trees. I quickly bundled up the sheets and stuffed them into the bag I had stored the only other article of clothing I had left aside from my ninja outfit I wore now. Tossing it over my shoulder I tucked the pillow from Kakashi's spare room under my arm then quickly followed after.


Kakashi dumped the bags of poptarts onto the counter, then disappeared into his room before I filed through the door after him.

He came back down the hallway a moment later changed into a pair of sweats and a loose t shirt that still managed to cling to the right curves along his chest. His regular attire was crumpled in a small woven basket he held with one hand pressed against his side. His eyes made a quick scan over my outfit, assessing the mud and splotches of purple and pink from my show earlier that evening.

"I'm putting a load in downstairs. Get changed and I can throw your clothes in, too."

"Any chance you have spare sweats I could borrow?" I asked as I gripped the bag across my shoulder tighter.

Kakashi's gaze drifted from my face to my bag, then back again, not quite sure why the subject of laundry made me look hesitant... nervous. "Unfortunately, no." He answered as he pat the full basket in reference, "I'm sure whatever you have will be fine for now." He briefly glanced at my bag once more then continued passed without another thought into the living area where he'd wait for me.

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now