Chapter 30

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Before the chapter begins, I wanted to post for you to read a beautiful poem written by my friend and reader LittleKilala. She posted it in the comments of one of my other stories, but not everyone reads the comments and I wanted everyone to enjoy her work.

"You smiled, even if you were hurting

You smiled, even if you had so much weight on your shoulders

You smiled, even if you were breaking apart inside

You smiled, even if he was the last light in your darkness

But you did it for him and that was worth every single smile he gave you

-Love everything that you care about because it won't always be there that is my advice"

The man who had plagued my nightmares slowly stepped out of the coffin. His head had been bowed, chin tucked to his chest. The shag of black hair parted as it lifted and when his gaze met mine I was sure I had gone pale, fear alone enough to drain the blood from my body. I hadn't realized my breath had caught in my throat until my lungs burned from the lack of air.

I tried to step back, but my foot wouldn't budge. The only thing I found I could move were my eyes as they snapped to Orochimaru, catching the last of his hand signs. I cursed at myself for allowing him to get my guard down from fright and cast a temporary paralysis jutsu.

My eyes snapped back to the shell that was my father now feet away. When did he get so close?!

"Oh, Yuki." He sighed once he was in front of me-but he didn't stop. He slowly started to circle me, but not before laying his palm on the nape of neck; dragging it over my shoulder and across my back as he went. "It's remarkable how you've grown into your mother." His fingers combed through my hair as he said this.

"Get your hands off her!" Kakashi yelled. I could hear the thuds where he banged his fists on the barrier separating us.

For the first time since he stepped out of the coffin, he tore his eyes from me. His gaze darkened when they landed on Kakashi. I could feel his anger flaring when he looked back at me.

"Yuki-" he wrapped his arm around the front of my shoulders pulling my back into his chest. "-who is that?!" He growled.

Even if I wanted to respond, the paralysis jutsu had trapped my tongue behind my teeth.

"Did you forget, you'll always be my little girl." His voice was sickly sweet as it whispered in my ear.

And that's when I snapped. Snapped in anger and snapped from my state. Feeling my nerves come back to me, I dropped to my feet. While bringing all my weight down with me, I latched onto his arm and threw him over my shoulder. Before he landed I was already fishing a kunai from my vest pocket. He hit the tile with a clatter.

"I am not your little girl!" I shouted, pressing the blade into his neck. I was ready to strike and moved to pull the edge across his throat, but right then pain seized my stomach and my grip faltered, the knife slipping from my fingers. He threw out his free hand, the back side landing across my cheek causing me to stagger to the side and lose my grip on his pinned arm.

I knew I lost my moment and tried to scurry away from him as best as I could, but the pain made it difficult. I backed up into a root and held onto it to support myself up. Orochimaru's voice barely made it through as I stood on shaky legs. "That can be fixed."

I didn't pay mind to him, needing to focus all of my attention on the Phoenix Flower Jutsu...the one thing Itachi had been good for was teaching me this technique...and I was going to use it to burn this man back into the corpse he should still be. I quickly performed the signs one handed-rat, tiger, dog-while pulling a handful of shuriken from another pocket. I held the shuriken aimed and ready to throw once they lit up with fire that would direct them straight to my target-ox, rabbit tiger-but nothing happened.

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now