Chapter 10

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Another week went by and I had decided to keep to my word. While cloaked, I waited as he fell asleep each night and watched over him. Most nights I just ended up falling asleep curled up on the chair across from his bed watching him. One night he started to stir and toss again and I quickly dropped my cloak and joined him in the bed. I didn't have to wake him this time, I just wrapped him up in my arms like before and it didn't take long before he calmed back down again.

Another night I was the one to wake him. When my own nightmare came, I dropped my jutsu in my sleep and he heard my soft whimpers. When I finally woke myself just before his alarm went off like I had grown accustom to I found I was now curled in his lap in the chair, tucked tight against his chest. It had actually been a cute sight. When I looked up the back of his head was tilted back against the wall and his mask was on which had made me chuckle.

But those were about the only docile moments we shared. Once awake we were back to our bickering as I 'popped' in and out through the day. 

It was night now and I was following behind Kakashi as he left the three to themselves after turning in their 'mission' to the Hokage.

"Watcha doin'?" I asked curiously.

I had noticed he wasn't taking the usual path back to his apartment and jogged up beside him wondering what was up. 

He gave me a wary glance and groaned. Then he rubbed between his eyes like he was trying to stop an oncoming headache. "I need a drink." He muttered to himself, but I still heard it.

Between me and his students constant whining about their lame 'missions', I'm surprised he held out nearly three weeks without a drink I thought to myself.

We reached the bar shortly after and without thinking Kakashi opened the door and held it open for me. Then he noticed the stares of people passing by who couldn't see me and sweatdropped while quickly entering and closing the door behind him with a bit of a slam.

I couldn't help but giggle as I followed behind him and he sent me a glare over his shoulder. 

I 'popped' back out then plopped onto the bar stool next to him, just simply waiting and watching again. At first not much was happening and I started to get bored just watching Kakashi slowly work on his drink. 

Deciding to take another break I hopped back down from the stool and headed for the door. 

"I didn't order that." I heard Kakashi tell the bartender from behind me. Curiosity got the best of me and I looked back to see what was developing.

The bartender just nodded his head down the bar. Kakashi and I both followed the direction of his gesture and saw a very pretty young black haired woman with deep blue eyes staring at Kakashi. She blushed when he looked her way and gave him a small wave. 

I don't know why I felt so surprised when Kakashi stood up, her drink in his hand, and made his way over to her. He sat down next to her and I found myself quickly feeling annoyed when she laid her hand on top of his the second he rested it on the bar top.

And that's when I got my next brilliant idea to drive him mad with...yes, that's the drive him mad...

Not wasting anymore time I quickly left the bar and made my way back to the clothing stand from before. I skimmed through the racks so quick I'm surprised I even knew what I was even looking at.

Perfect I thought with a chuckle, quickly cloaking the kimono within my jutsu as I picked it off the rack. 

Kakashi's POV

The beautiful woman who had bought my drink-her name was Atana-and I were now sitting at a booth making small talk.

I felt a pang of guilt towards this woman. I was attracted to her black hair and blue eyes cause they were just like Fig's. 'A perfect image that I can't have' is what I had referred to her as...but Atana was real and I could have her.

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now