Chapter 21

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It had been a week since I introduced myself to the other Jonin in the village. It had been a week since I last saw Kakashi before he left, finally knowing how I had betrayed him.

I didn't try to run after him right then and beg for forgiveness. Maybe some time in the future I could, but right now I felt I deserved however he chose to act or feel towards me.

I hadn't started the training Ibiki had spoke of with the Hokage just yet. Ibiki still didn't know what had caused the jutsu he had used on me to go so wrong and cause my memories to come to life the way they had. This had never happened before in the dozens of times he had used it in interrogation prior to me. So, in good faith, and hoping to gain some quick brownie points to my name with him and the Hokage, I had agreed to go through a series of tests and physicals. Ibiki wanted to know if the cause was something he could use a test to pinpoint in the future to avoid any situations like the one I was put in.

Ibiki said he'd have all of his test results back today, so he was spending the day reviewing them. If there was anything I'd need to know, he would call for me with one of his sparrows, similar to the Hokage's hawk. Until then, if that time came, I was on my own.

On my own to enjoy a day off in Konoha...that sounded quite nice when Ibiki said it. But now as I walked down the streets completely exposed for the first time since I arrived and I was completely nervous. I didn't have to step into the busier part of the village the last week when I was working with Ibiki. I just went straight from the cave to the 'office'.

Yes, the cave. Since I told Ibiki in the interview that I had been here a month, him and the Hokage naturally assumed I had already obtained lodging for myself. Which was true...but it had been in or by Kakashi's bedside...that wasn't exactly going to continue at this point. And I didn't feel like I was in a position to ask for further favors after the Third exonerated me of my past crimes with the Akatsuki so that I might join the Hidden Leaf Village and gave me some funds to help hold me over until my first check as an official Jonin.

So, after a trip to stock up on some food, I was just taking a leisure stroll down the street; not in much of a hurry to get 'home'..and by stocking up on food I mean poptarts, poptarts and more poptarts...they were cheap-making it easy on my current budget-and didn't require electricity or gas to cook.

Suddenly a flash of yellow rounded the corner and knocked right into me.  I grumbled while rubbing the sore spot now on my derriere from where I planted on the ground.

"Oh, shoot! I'm so sorry!" A familiar voice shouted back at me.

"Naruto?!" I exclaimed as I caught him in my peripheral making to dart away.

He paused and nervously turned to me, afraid it was an angry villager about to swat him upside the head.

"Now is that anyway to treat a friend?" I joked as I brushed the dust off my legs and stood up.

"Friend...?" The word came out in one long and slow drawl. It was when he eyed me looking a bit confused that I remembered he hadn't seen me since Kakashi brought me in to be interrogated; and I had still been adorning my mask back then.

"Way to forget me so quick," I teased, ruffling his blonde hair. He was so wrapped up trying to place my face he didn't swat my hand away like I had seen him do to Kakashi. "It's me, Yukaru." I gave him a closed eye grin.

"Y-yukaru?" His jaw dropped slightly.

"The one and only," I gave him a little wink, "now what's got you in such a hurry?"

"Oh! Right!" He exclaimed like he had forgotten something important and started to pace in place ready to run off. "Kakashi-sensei said he'll buy me ramen for lunch if I can beat him there!" He shouted excitedly, followed by his cheesiest grin. "Come on, Yukaru! You should join us! "

My Masked Rival - a Kakashi X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now