Chapter 22

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Author's Note: I just want to take a moment and shout out this chapter to laurac123! A follower till the end, I thank you for checking out all of my stories! I know its quite the variety and I'm happy you're enjoying them all.

Naruto certainly didn't let me forget my offer to make him that dinner and hunted me down a couple days later to get the ball rolling.

We made a deal for Friday night later that week-mostly because it would be payday. I saw how many bowls of ramen Naruto enjoyed when Kakashi was footing the bill, so I definitely needed the extra cash if I was going to feed his appetite plus three more.

So, now I stood all alone in Kakashi's kitchen as I prepared the promised meal. Kakashi decided to extend their training that day until dinner time to make sure they 'worked up an appetite' and 'earned their meal' if he was going to let them in his place. Which left me alone...not just alone to cook...but alone to my thoughts as Ibiki's voice rang through my head.

His voice from when he set me down to explain the final results...his words were defeaning. At first I swore I hadn't heard him right, but then a doctor joined to discuss the matter further. I was so focused on the first part of what Ibiki said-pregnant-I almost didn't even hear what the doctor had said...until the end...I didn't think things could get worse after what Ibiki told me, but it did. 

"In your 'condition'...You're gonna have to be careful these next few months. You'll come see me at least once a week to check on your state...and as hard as this is to say...but since it is a very small probability that you'll make it to the second trimester, I wouldn't give up hope. I'm sorry." The doctor's voice swayed from monotone to pity as he brought me up to date on the situation at hand.

My 'condition' I laughed to myself dryly at the thought as I poured another ladle full of broth over the arborio rice. Would his words have still sounded so cold if he allowed himself to the say the words? Would I feel less cold if I allowed myself to admit it aloud?

But I won't...I can't...not until I make it to the second...If I make it to the second trimester.

I was so zoned out, wrapped up in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed the front door opening-or closing. 

"It smells so good in here!" I nearly jumped out of my skin when Naruto's loud voice suddenly filled the room. "Is it ready yet?!" He asked impatienly, his head popping up next to me by the stove. I gave him a little scowl at the mini heart attack he gave me and shooed him back with my hand so I could continue moving about the kitchen as needed. 

"Almost there, but not just yet." I answered as I picked up the plate the raw steaks. I didn't know exactly what time they'd show, so I was waiting for their arrival so I could cook them just right. Naruto scowled right back at me with narrowed hungry eyes. "It could go faster if someone were to get the plates and utensils set." I chimed in, obviously hinting for him to do it. 

But he ignored it and turned to Sakura, suggesting that dinner would move along quicker if she helped me set it up. Sakura 'hmphed' at him with her hands on her hips in defiance, now with her own scowl in his direction, "Why are you telling me?! Why not you or Sasuke? It's because I'm a woman, isn't it?" She yelled at him, brandishing knuckles that were about to leave an imprint on the side of Naruto's head. 

Naruto suddenly looked like he shrunk five times smaller as he waved his hands exasperatedly, "Wha-! I didn't say that. I swear that's not what I meant-See!" Naruto started throwing open cabinet doors until he found the right one with the plates in it and hurriedly laid them out across the island in front of each bar height stool. 

Since entering, Kakashi had just leaned back against the doorway watching me as the scene played out in front of him. But I didn't see or notice, the thoughts that had just freshly run through my mind leaving me too self conscious and nervous to turn around and face him just yet. Since Kakashi didn't know Ibiki had even been running the tests, he didn't know there were results to tell and I didn't give them. The doctor told me not to even bother having hope since I might not even have a 'condition' by next week or the one after that. So-after what I'd done to him-why should I drag him into my hopeless situation. Maybe if I hit that rare and elusive second trimester...but not now.

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