Mending (part 2)

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I saw his point that Damian's wound did he own David's leave a scar. But it matters with dealing with this so I don't think we can bring them back.

Brice looked terrible. A beard had started to grow in and he had bags under his eyes.

That added to his usual normal bags and lack of normal hygiene after doing shifts. He was well into over time.

But a loss of a son might have pushed him over the edge.

Red Hood

The past events have really started to piss me off. The fact Brice is putting so much time and effort into this, getting his blood son back.

When Joker killed my mother in front of me and beat me. He didn't come.

Then when Joker blew up the whole building with me in it, that's when he got there.

He didn't do anything he just expected my death.

Unlike now how he is actually turning to optimism and taking any small chance that that little punk is still alive, to bring him back.

It makes me feel... like I am not part of this family. How Bruce didn't even try to revive me.

I honestly couldn't care lass that the kid is gone.

Good riddance

The shrimp was a pain in my a** all the time.


I took a deep breath. "Brice I don't..."

"Don't say it." He cut me off. "He is coming back. He's still alive somewhere."

He tured to face the team. "Raven." He called out, "can I ask you something?"

Raven walked over. She glanced at and then st Damian's body.

I could see the tears welding up in her eyes.

"Do you have a spell to undo this?" Bite was straight with her no fluff on top.

"I don't know." Rave opened the book and started to skim.

I left to keep an eye on the rest of the team, mostly Gar. To make sure they don't breach anything.

Tarra was looking at the cases of all the robin uniforms.

She gestured to the first cabinet. "You wore that?" I saw a smirk cross her face.

"Yes. Let's just say times have change."

Jamie was talking with Tim and I walked over.

I listen a little to the conversation before speaking.

"Dude I love your mohawk so cool." Tim said.

"Thank... I like your hair too. It's relay... shiny."

"Yeah when we mop the floors we flip him and use him as a mop." I put Tim in a head lock and ruffled his long hair.

Now on to Gar. Where was he?

I didn't see him. There is some dangerous stuff in here and he could really hurt himself or someone else.

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