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As Robin's tears ran down his face no one knew what to do.

They have never seen him like this. Some even thought Robin was incapable of tears. Yet here he was, balling away.

Brice put his hand on the boys back.

Robin just scored away form then turning his to the conner.

"Don't touch me!!!" He screamed. Covering his eyes.

Everyone just looked at each other. Brice scooted closer.

"Don't come near me!!! You... you... monsters!!!"

Everyone was confused.

Damian has called them many things but never went as far as calling them monsters.

Raven reached out to him but stoped.

"Please I just want to go home...." He weeped.


I was running every possible scenario in my head. But they all led to one thing.

Connecting the prices together. He was scared of his own family and friends, was balling, and was acting like a child.

"Robin..." raven said in a soft voice.

He turned to her his eyes all puffy. "Who's that?" He sniffled. Wiping his noise.

And that's when it hit me. He had lost his memory.

But some things didn't add up either. If he just lost his memory he would still have the same personality.

From behind us we herd a scoff. I turned to see Jason. "Ttt. Brat doesn't even know who he is." He angled his chin up giving a snobbish look at Damian.

This enraged me.

I slammed him the the wall grabbing him by the collar.

"Clearly something is in your mind!!" I growled.

For him to be this way was somewhat normal but the look was different. He had more. More to get off his chest.

He glared back at me. "Yes. Who do you care more for? Me or the runt." He nodded towards Damian.

"We both know it's a trick question." I sneered.

"No it's quite simple. Who do you love more?"

He actually used the world Love. I knew he was serious now.

I glanced at Robin then back at Jason.

"You know I love all of you both equally."

I herd Damian's studded. "W..who... is... th... this... ru...nt? A..and... w..w..who.. is D...d..damian?"

Come to think of it. I don't think we ever mentioned the name Damian. We only Calle him by his superhero name, Robin.

Jason shoved me off. I knew if I tried to hold him back it would just make matters worse. And I can't just order the others to pin him down.

He started to walk towards Robin.

"You want to know who Robin and Damian where."

This ticked me off. He was talking like Damian was gone. Like he's still dead.

"Well to start with Damian was a privileged boy from be start. He had everythingat his fingertips. The whole world in his hands. He was to smart to fall for any trap. Even love.
He killed indecent people on command!"

The look on Damian's face... I will never forget. A face no parent should see on their children face.

It looked like Damian was stabbed in the heart and I could see the tears building up again.

The titans stepped in front of him one my one they got out of his way.

He was much bigger, stronger than they where and if they did fight they would lose.

I saw Raven try to cast a spell but all that came out form her had was some dark smoke.

"regardless of what they did or didn't do. Damian... you are a murder!"

By this pain he was face to face with Robin.

"No!!! I can't kill." He screamed. Bringing up a fist.

He swung but Jason grabbed his fist.
"You see. You can't deny the urge to kill can you. You just want to bash my head in right now don't you?" He smirked.

"Why don't you do everyone a favor and go back to your home. With your grandfather."

The boy let out a scream and bang his head to the ground sobbing.

How dare he bring up Rash! Rash was dead. He was a bad man who went down to hell. He basically told Damian to go to hell.
"Jason Tod!!!! Enough!!" I yelled at him.

Dick and Tim dragged him back. "You don't have a right to call me by my full name!!" He snapped.

I just glared at him.

"You feel guilty that you slipped up. You let Talia drug you man you made him! All he is, is just an extension of that mistake! Right. Just a mistake. Your just choosing him over me because he's blood. Choosing him out of pity. Like all the rest of us you took in out of pity!!!"

He broke free form their grip and brushed his coat off. He grabbed his red helmet and got on his bike. "Well I don't want your pity anymore."

"Tod don't do this. This is your home" Dick said. Putting his hand on the bike making one last attempt to keep him from leaving.

"This was never my home." He glared directly at me. "it's Red Hood." And he drove off.

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