Daughter of a Demon

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Raven looked down at the bubble thing.

"Is that?..." Brice pushed his way through.

He grabbed the bubble form Raven. "So what do we do?"

Raven looked down. "To book didn't say."

Gar took it form him and held it up to the light. "Why are there two things inside? Maybe we just put it in his mouth."

He shook it and put it to his ear.

I know he has good hearing but I don't think.... "WTF!!!!"


The bubble split in tow as he was shaking it.

It was like cell division. I really wasn't in the mood for a biology class right now. Cytokines much!

"Waaaa!!!" Gar dropped them both causing one to break.

We all where freaking our. Most of us where angling it aggression towards Gar.

"You idiot!!!!" Jamie grabbed him by the color.

Raven slipped past everyone and picked up the surviving thing or whatever you call it.

"Guys it's fine." She tried to calm us done. But no one was listening. 

I just watched. Not making any comments.


I know the book didn't say anything about returning the soul back the the body. And we already lost Starfire's...

Gar may have not thought it but maybe the way to bring back Damian is I fact putting it in his mouth.

It sounds weird. I know. But it's the only idea we got.

So I went over to the body and put the bubble to his lips.

Suddenly the nose stopped. Everyone was looking at me.

But the bubble wouldn't go in. I tried pushing harder.

"Ravan." Bruce's mumbled.

Nothing was happening. Maybe if I...

"Raven!!" Dick called out, I felt him put his hand on my shoulder.

This had to work! It has to! He has to come back! The world needs him! I... need him...

"That's enough Raven." Tarra stepped closer.

I turned to her full of rage. I didn't hold back the Demond's inside of me.

"It's going to work!!!" I yelled at her.

"Wow... Raven..." dick stepped back talking his hand off me.

And good that he did. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I can't stand to lose another friend. I can't even stand this loss.

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