Love or death

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"Robin!" I yelled.

"He can't hear you. He can see you but can't speaking or touch." Raven was reading in her spell book.

But no one was listing to her.

Gar and Jamie both lunged to hit Robin both saying his name in unison.

Damian just stood there with his arms crossed.

they both just went right threw him.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Raven just rolled her eyes and went back to her book.

I was surprised. She sowed little emotion.

Suddenly her hand lit with a purple flame and from the smoke words started to form.

Come with us to the tower

It wrote.

Robin turned to the rock formation where the titans tower would be. But a rock formation was there.

Then he got a look on his face like he had just remembered something.

His mouth started moving but there where no words.

Gar and Jamie where fascinated with how Robin was transparent and they put there hands through him.

Raven made the smoke write out something else.

We are bringing you back.

This made robin raise and eyebrows. He was still mouthing words but no sound.

But now he was getting mad. I didn't have to hear him to see that. I could only imagine the sweet nothings he is saying right now.

Suddenly the Raven fell to her knees holding her head.

We all rushed over to her.

I saw on Robins face that he realized that we had to get him back quickly or something bad was going to happen.

Raven pulle duo her hood and stood. "I'm fine let's go." And was all followed her to the tower.


It was kinda strange. The last time we came to the underworld there where a bunch of monster and stuff.

Now there are just souls witch is kinda creepy. I was hoping for some action.

As we entered the rock tower out of the corner of my eye i saw her flash to demon mode.

But shot back to her normal self. Something was up she wasn't telling us.


There she goes again hiding behind her hood. She all ways dose this.

But I wasn't going to call we out for it. Just this once.

I guess coming back to the underworld is bringing up some stuff with her father and I can giver her some space for now.

He made the smoke words again and it read.

Sit here it wrote.

Robin did as he read and sat down.

My question is why in here? Couldn't she have done this back on top the building?

She opened her hood and skimmed the pages. Then she took her usual meditation pose and started to mumbled something. 

The wind picked up dramatically. Dust was kicked up and I cracked my eyes open.

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