Chapter 10

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I was trying to decode everything. Either he didn't want me to watch the tv. Something he did was probably on the air.

Something bad.

"I...I... killed a man."

I pulled away.


I went to sleep and when I woke up I was in an ally with some guy who was ally bloody. My hands covered in it.

I don't know what I did but all I do know is that I was me.

No one else what's their.

I herd footsteps and just transformed and escaped as a bird. But the body and the blood I keep seeing it over and over."


I was so confused. I only had prices and parts of these events have happened in the past.

The fact that such powers can exist I made me question raven.

If everything else is true that must mean she is the daughter of a demon.

How dose that even work? How much demon is she? Can she controls it?

I didn't know demons and such stuff existed so thats new.

But what is also know is this feeling I have inside.

I can't explain it but I can't stop thinking about her.

Flashes of her smiling, laughing, looking at me makes me go red.

I don't understand.

So I went to ask beast boy about it.

He and tarra where talking in the hallway.

Beast boy just glared at me and Tarra waved me off.

I didn't want to bother Dick and Starfire they where in the nursery with the baby thing.

So I went to Jamie who was playing basketball.

"Dude that's love." He smiled folding his arms behind his head.

I pulled out a note book and was taking note.

He gave me this weird look but I just wanted his knowledge on love.

"What is Love?" I implored.

He bounced the ball twice, "It's... um... well... an intense feeling of deep affection for something or some one."

I started to scribble down everything thing. Exact to the word.

"How do you get ones affection... love?"

He threw the ball and it went in the net. Then he turned to me and screwed up his face thinking.

"I know Gar is using pick up lines. Going after Tarra."

"This is about raven isn't it." He smirked.

I could feel my face start to burn up.

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