Tranning (part 1)

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"Why are we back here?" Gar asked.

"Despite being a former enemies of the assassins most of them have disbanded. We can use this place now as a training ground."

Terra gave me a questionable look.

"Trust me no one is going to bother us here. Pulse the training equipment here is good and still useful."

The team glanced around and I knew that they where all still wary of the place.

"I Put cameras when we broke in. They have been recording everything."

"That's what you dropping everywhere?" Raven asked.

"Yes. Also with explosives built in just Incase things for too out of hand."

"Excuse me what?!" Jamie blurted.

"What? I need updated info on how you guys fight."

"This is stupid! I am not staying in your old assassins home. I am not listening to anything you have to say." Jamie started to walk out.

"Form what i learned form the temple I stayed at. You need to figure out yourself here and now. Not in the middle of a battle. This isn't one of those cheeses movies that the old sage comes and give you hints and meaningless task that actually help. No. This is real life. You can't hide forever Jamie. We all know for your performance during the last fight."

"So what? It's not my fault the big didn't work and didn't allow me to move."

"I think that you will find that that bug on your back controls you more than you think."

"Watch was you say. I have proven I can take you out and I won't hesitate to do so."

"Boys!" Starfire intervened.

I knew I couldn't continue this conversation now so I proceeded with my original speech.

"I also think that adding NightStar to the team would prove beneficial. Having two powerful alien's on our side will increase our total power levels.


"Are you serious?" Jamie asked. "Levels?"

"I always am and yes. Trigon ranks about a one million." Damian narrowed his eyes. "And right now we rank in total, 665,000."

"That's not that bad." Gar shrugged.

"500,000 comes from Raven alone. Being his daughter and all."

I am very conflicted about this. On one hand I can't wait for my little girl to fight. I will show her to round house and doge it's going to be so great!!

But on the other hand, that's my little girl. Preparing her to fight Trigon is what i think a bit much. She hasn't even been in a real battle yet.

"Trigon is literately a god of death."

"He's no god." Raven added. "He's just a powerful Demond."

"No. No. No." I protested.

"I think it will be good." Starfire said.

"What?!" I turned to her.

"When I was little my... what humans call a father was very eager to train me as soon as I could walk to fight in the war."

"But...but that's our little girl."

"The more power we have on our side the better." Damian turned and pointed to NightStar. "Plus she isn't that little anymore.

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