Finale (part 2)

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It all makes sense. I am the key no matter what I do. Trogon will just keep coming back again and again. Everything i do will not change the future.

My future had become the past as I try to ran form it, there for it once again became my future.

This repetitive circle of a prophecy will never end until it is fulfilled.

Next thing I knew Damian grabbed my arm.

"What are you..." I managed to get out.

Behind me a giant demon came flying st us. Damian took his blade and drove it into it's chest killing it.

He pulled me up and lead me to the others.

"We have to get rid of all the Desmond before we can even think about dealing with Trigon." Dick put the case down.

"Too late." Damian said. Then started to bark out orders. "Beast boy, nightwings, and I will take care of the demons. Terra and raven do the thing with the Gollum's then both of you join Jamie, Starfire, and Nightstar at targeting Trigon at a distance. Got it!"


I am assuming that Robin has some plan. Its seems pretty shaky at the moment, dividing and concocting. 

I glanced up at the sky where hundreds of demons where flying above.

Great. Just great.  The guys better do there job getting rid of them.

Using my powers I formed one stone creature 'Gollum'.

Over his shoulder Robin yelled, "more than that."

I mumbled some chose words and then dug down deep and tried to form more stone creatures.


"Go for the center." Robin commanded.

Forming a bunch of blasters I took out ten demons in one go. This wasn't that hard.

Bang, 10, Bang 20, Bang 30, Bang 40, Bang 50.

It's to easy.


The demons looked like gargoyles that sit on top of buildings just with red flesh and they draw breath, they where alive. 

I drew my weapon from my back ready to bring it down on one of the beasts.

I missed this. The rush of fighting. Don't get me wrong I love being a dad. But sometimes I just need to get away and kick some ass.

On top a roof i Dogging the teeth and claws the first shock of making contact with them was just like rock. It vibrated up my muscles. My sticks broke right in half.

At the same time the sound of Robin's sward snapping echoed.

Both demons crumbed and tired to a pile of broken rock.

"Don't touch them!" I heard robin yell.

I turned to him. On the ground the part that had broken off had turned to stone. Staring at my broken sticks in my hand they where doing the same.

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