Chapter 13

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It started to rain and I pulled up my hood. I could still see my breath as I looked down at the city, thinking of what I said to the man and what he said to me.

"Damian?" Came a voice.

I turned to see a woman dressed in black with brown hair and red lips.

"Is it you? But how? Aren't you dead?"

Raising an eyebrow I didn't say anything. I have the feeling I have seen here before she is someone important to the other Damian.


I went to the a secret vault that only the ghul family knew of.

Rash always has a plan, and a backup for the plan and a backup for the backup. 

So when he died I knew that put a damper on things.

In going to the vault I found a little box no bigger that a shoe box. And a sword with some kinda bird.

Not your usual eagle, hawk, or sparrow. But a Raven.

I picked it up the box and it was surprising heavier than I thought.

The box reeked. I recognized the Oder. Death.

On top of it was a pice of paper describing his plan to select a new Air to the thrown.

Give box to Damian on his birthday

It read. I knew whatever was in this box must be important if he wanted it to go to him after he was gone.

But the turn of events and how Damian died too was heart breaking but that's life.

I was on my way to drop off the shoe box at titan'a tower just as like a light message of some kind.

The lose of Damian isn't the end of the world nor will it be important to man kind seeing the path he was taking.

But deep down it still acs when I think about him.

Now, I see Damian. Looking at me. He may have his mask on but it's obvious who he is.

"Who are you?" Growled. Reaching for his sword but just grabbing air.

This was not the Damian for before. Before Damian should bring a sword with him everywhere he went.

I always told him to be prepared for combat. Seeing that he had not brung a weapon with him I knew something has changed.

Even his posture and expressions has changed.

"I am your mother." I replied. Straight to the point.

"Mother?" He said aloud, removing his mask as if he was thinking. Trying to remember.

That's when it dawned on me that he lost his memory.

"Yes I am your mother and you are my son." Still approaching this the same way.

I took out the box and started to go towards him.

"Stop!" He put his hand out. Just throw it over.

Good to see that he's still cautious.

Tossing the box over he rushed to catch in but missed and the box hit the ground.

It toppled over and the lid came off. From my angle I couldn't see what was inside.

But Damian's expiration told me all I needed to know.

He seemed confused, yet disgusted. I could see a hint of pain in his eyes.

Crouching down he picked up a little dead bird in his hands. The rain matting down the feathers.

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