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The last thing he said before he let go was, "I love you."

"DAMIAN!!" I called after him. "Nooo!!"

I let out a powerful scream As I fell to my knees. A slight sting form the tears that flooded my eyes. But that was nothing compared to the giant hole in my chest.

Twice! Twice now!

The whole city was full of piles of crumbed rock. Stone statues of people i knew and people i wanted to protect with the title hero.

But I am no hero. I let all my friend die because I wasn't strong enough. They risked their lives over and over just for me.

Death... it's so unfair. I comes to those how don't deserve it. But not for the people who are asking for it. Death has the power to take the most beautiful memories and stain them black.

"Ha." Trigon's laughed. "All alone. Just you and me." He emerged form the flames and shrink his size down to match mine. "The ones you call family are gone. This proves that blood is stronger than any other frail bond." 

Trigon took a step towards me. "Do you know why I wanted so badly to come to earth?"

I glared up st him and cast one of my most dangerous spells. A spell of death. "dødsstavningen."

"Foolish child. I am death itself. None of your dark spells work on me. Now for my explanation."

This was new. I glanced up at him through glassy eyes but didn't say a word. I am interested to see what he has to explain himself. A murder without a reason is like a killer without a weapon.

He let out a sigh. "To get you."

"What?" I muttered in an irritated voice. This can't all be for me. Trigon has always been working angles.

"I saw you When I looked into my future. You wanted to claim earth as your personal playground of hell."

"No. Earth had to pay the price of taking you from me and brain shading you. Making you think that all you where was some monster."

This took me back to my first days on earth and even when I lost control getting Damian back. My friends.... I could see it in their eyes.... fear. They where scarf of me the monster I COULD be.

"They where afraid of your power and your past" trigon continued. "Therefore they sought to tear you down till you where no longer a threat to them. You are my daughter and you never gave me the chance to be your father."

"What about Azarath! Hum! That went up in flames just like earth."

"That was a necessary evil to show you your true power. True power is born form pain. By eliminating your fake family made of strangers you can now return to me, your own flesh and blood, and rule by my side." He extended his hand down to me. "So what do you say? Come home with me."

"Home." I repeated, he said home. That made me laugh. "What do you know about home's and family's." I glared.

"What is a tiny little tower compared to the whole universe. I am offering you the BLOOD family that will love and last forever. Not some temporary creatures that will die off leaving you. They couldn't handle you power and what comes with it."

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