Chapter 9

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. But I hope you like this chapter.


As I walked threw the halls I found myself walking into this room.

I remember this place. Titsu was on the bed chewing on something.

The room was a mess. With stuff knocked over and a labtop.

I slowly picked things up.

It was like I knew where to put everything. Like I had done this thousands of times.

I had flashes of me. Me in this weird outfit with the same green boots I found on the floor. The identical black and yellow cape.

When everything as all need to tidy all that was left was the laptop and the thing titsu was chewing on.

"I picked up the labtop first and a screen popped up with I think was me and that Raven girl.

My head began to throb and I felt dizzy. But I persisted threw it and went to He the think Titsu was  chewing away at.

When I got close enough I could see that it was dark green and had 2 holes.

I reached to pick I up. Titus moves away away went out of the room.

I looked at the slobbery thing wiled it off on my hoodie and took a better look at it.

It was a mask. Was it my mask?

By body just moved on its own. I came Tk a drawer and opened it. About 5 identical mask where in there with one empty slot.

I was about to put it away when I stopped.

Lookin at the open closet and then then at the mirror.

What if I...

Moments latter I was fully dressed in the outfit.

I had the green boots red top yellow utility belt and cape.

I had the mask in my hand and looked at myself.

I did some superhero poses trying to look cool.

Then I slowly put the mask on.

I muttered something. "This is my room... this is my uniform."

I could hardly see by this point. my head started spinning. I didn't feel good like I was going to threw up or something like that.

It was like my whole world was spinning and I fell to the ground out cold.


As I closed the fridge grabbing milk for my cereal Gar was there.

"Hey! Do you have a map?"

I knew this was going to be a dumb phase but part of me just wanted to see what he was going to say next.

If I really want to know I would just look up cheesy pick up lines and I will have the list for the best 4 days.


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