Dead end

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Far away form the tower in the ruins of a temple in the Arabian Peninsula. Six figures stood a row. 5 dressed in black matching uniforms with mask pulled over their faces. Each mask a different animal.

A monkey, tiger, crane, wolf, and a rabbit. The sixth was Talia.

She was facing away form them examining a arrow. She knew exactly why they where here and they had not forgotten the plan

"Ma'am." One of them with a monkey mask stepped forward, removing his mask he said, "It's February 12. Shall we..." he stopped.

Talia let out a sigh. Then turned sharply taking the arrow and slashing the man across the face.

He stumbled back holing his right eye, blood dripping down his face and hand.With one eye he glared up at Talia.

"I know what day it is!!" She raged. Turning back she place the arrow on a table. She exhaled deeply.

A girl with a rabbit mask knelt beside the monkey guy.

"I know it's hard ma'am. I un..." she began to speak but Talia put up her hand to stop her.

"Don't you dare say you understand how I feel!" She yelled slamming her fist on the table.

She paused and everyone els was afraid to move of speak.

Talia tilted her head back, blinked a tear away "Just go." She waved them off.

They did as their where told and left. Talia waited a good couple minutes to make sure they where gone and grabbed her clocked and head off.


As Starfireand was telling me about her childhood Robin came bursting in. Lately he has been in his room with raven a lot exchanging emails with this one person, Shone7171.

I have gone over some of their emails and it's pretty casual stuff but be part that alarmed me was when they got into a conversation about the future.

The person is apparently going to inherit a company or something like that, they didn't really say.

But they where saying stuff about reinventing it and making it less cruel. Then they went on about how the world is cruel and stuff how there is evil everywhere in the world.

Raven goes as far as telling Shone about the whole Trigon trying coming to earth and stuff. Shone surprisingly responds in a supportive way.

Mostly it's just raven and Shone7171 doing the talking. Robin is mute.

I am kinda worried. Robin. He is still trying to recover his memory and I get that it takes time. I am just worried that it's going to take too much time to the point where the world is changing to fast and hill be stuck in the past.

"Dick? Dick?!" Stars voice cut in.

"what?" I shook my head coming back to earth.

"Where you listening at all?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Yes." I give her a half smirk. I'll just listen to the tape form the security cameras that where recording everything.

Then robin comes bursting in and is in full uniform. Pulling up god hood he says. "I'm going out." And just leaves.

I don't mind him leaving but the face he made. He looked serous. Not angry serious but focused, kinda sad too.

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