The Huntsman Who Laughs

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I tried to take off the white make-up from my face, but nothing worked. "Just come off already!" I tried to use the water from the puddle, but that didn't work. It was permanent. My scroll vibrated and I saw that I had a text from Jaune.

J: Hey Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah?
J: I don't know how to break this down to you, but..."
Y/N: But?
J: Nora and I caught Pyrrha cheating on you with Ren.
Y/N: Nice joke Jaune.
J: I'm not.

He sent me a picture of Pyrrha sitting on Ren's lap facing towards him while Ren was holding her. She had her arms wrapped around his neck while kissing him. I dropped my scroll and started crying, but then found it funny that someone like Pyrrha did this. Pyrrha, a cheater? Now that's funny. "Hehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh that's a hilarious! Who knew that Pyrrha Nikos had a wild side?" I looked back at the puddle and frowned "Something doesn't feel right. Oh I know!" I got the knife from my pocket and cut the palm of my right hand and wiped the blood onto my mouth, making it look like I had a smile. "Now that's better! I knew that aura cutting knife would be in handy."

I stood up and watched my aura heal my hand "I wonder if I can make everyone smile. Let's find out."

Time Skip

I happily slit one of the White Fang members throats while I made one of them watch. "Well that was fun! Now on to you." I began to use my knife as if I were composing music "Ever hear of the nursery rhyme Solomon Grundy? No? Well it goes like this." I grabbed his face and cut deep into his temple "Solomon Grundy, born on a Monday, christianed on Tuesday, married on Wednesday, took ill on Thursday, grew worse of Friday, died on a Saturday, buried on a Sunday. This is the end of Solomon Grundy." I finished carving an ear to ear smile on his face and laughed with glee "Hahaha! That was so fun! I wonder if they have any pancakes." I began to search for the delicious breakfast.

Salem POV

I smirked as I saw everyone's reactions "I'm sorry for speaking out Salem, but are you sure about him? He seems unstable." I look at Watts and sighed "Watts. Are you doubting me?" he gulped and started stuttering "N-not at all!" I nodded and looked at Cinder "Bring him to me."


The White Fang may not like humans, but we do share a love of pancakes. "I believe I need a change of clothes. I really need some new shoes!"

Time Skip

"Too showy. Too blue. Perfect!" I pick out the suit and in a few minutes walked out with a bit of spunk "I feel like a man... iac."

I put on the hat and walked out using the cane I stole from the store after I killed the shopkeeper

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I put on the hat and walked out using the cane I stole from the store after I killed the shopkeeper. As I kept walking I starting smell in something familiar "I smell a slut!" Team RWBY and JNPR got their weapons ready and I laughed "Did you do this?" Blake asked as she pointed her weapon at me "I don't know Catwoman. Maybe you should ask that guy over there." Her eyes widened "W-what?" I walked over to a guy who may or may not be alive "Hey! You alive? If you're not then say pineapple." I picked him up by his head and moved his jaws "Pineapple!" I said as I tried to mimic a puppet's voice "See kitty! He's alive and well! Well not in 5 seconds." I repeatedly stabbed his body and laughed, but got a shock when Ruby hit me with an electrical shot. Get it, shocked? I know that you can see me reader!

Anyways I slowly got up and cracked my neck "That certainly was a shock." I only got a laugh from Yang and that made me frown "You were supposed to laugh!" I picked up a rifle and started opening fire on them. "Blake, Weiss! Checkmate!" Uh oh. "Hey no cheating! I hate cheaters!" I saw Pyrrha freeze and I laughed "Got you now!" I riddled her leg with bullets and saw her fall "Pyrrha!" Ruby yelled as she ran up to her, but as soon as I was about to shoot her a fire ball hit her "Hey! Nobody kills them but me!"

A/N: Part 2?

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