Inner Beast (2)

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I began walking over towards the door, but with a bit of trouble. I opened the door slightly and saw that Pyrrha was giving her best smile "Hey Y/N!" She gave me a small wave and I tried my best to return my own smile "Hey P-" I held my stomach in pain, but muscled through it "Is something wrong?" She tilted her head, but I shook mine "Nah, everything's fine Pyrrha. Just gotta...lay down for a bit."

"Oh, well I was going to ask if you'd like to come celebrate with us."
"Celebrate? What's the occasion?"
"Jaune finally had his first win against Cardin! Isn't that great?" Jaune? Is that all she ever thinks about? He'd probably cut his own head off if she didn't train him. I blinked a couple of times when I realized what I was thinking. "I guess. Look I'm sorry Pyrrha, but I gotta lay down. It was nice seeing you though."

I went to shut the door, but Pyrrha put her foot in the way "Are you sure? Team RWBY really wants you to go." My hand crushed my doorhandle "They want me to go? Now why would I ever do that?" I opened the door fully and saw that Pyrrha was rubbing the back of her head in a sheepish way "Well aren't you their boyfriend?"

If I knew what was coming I would have tried my best to stop it. I had my hands on Pyrrha's throat and I had slammed her on the wall "I will never be a lover to those whores! They made me watch as they drained Team CRDL's dicks dry! If I see them I'll make sure to..." I paused when I realized what I was doing. I let go of Pyrrha and my hands began to shake "I-I'm s-so sorry Pyrrha! I...I didn't mean it! Please just...just leave me alone." I walked back into my room and shut the door. "Wow! Good job kid! I'd give it a 8/10 though. Not enough swearing." I sat on my bed and held my head "W-what did I do?!"

Time Skip (Or is it?)

Why was everyone looking at me like that? What did I ever do to them? They all back up in fear and it's starting to piss me off. "Y/N, we need to talk." I turned around and saw Jaune with his arms crossed. The rest of the students surrounded us as if something were going to happen. "Look Jaune, I'm not in the mood today. I just wanna be left alone so if you co-" Jaune walked up to me and glared "You hurt Pyrrha yesterday. Why?" I turned back to leave, but he grabbed my shoulder "Answer me Y/N." My blood began to boil and I elbowed him in the face, leaving him staggered and holding it. My eyes widened as I covered my mouth "Jaune, I am so sorry! I didn't mean for... I...I didn't-"

Jaune shook his head and held his nose "What the hell is wrong with you?! First you hurt Pyrrha, then you threaten RWBY, and now you hurt me!" All of the other students began to gossip and talk about me while I began to shake. I didn't mean for any of this to happen! I just thought the syringe would make me feel less pain, but this is just as bad.

"To think that someone so quiet could be a brute."
"Looks like that saying was right. It's always the quiet ones."
"How could he threaten his own girlfriends like that?"
"I wonder if he abuses them."
"He probably does. Poor girls."

I dropped to my knees and held my head "Stop talking about me! I'm not a monster!!" I closed my eyes and I heard screaming, but I refused to open them. After awhile the screaming stopped and it kinda worried me "J-Jaune?" I opened my eyes and covered my mouth from puking. Blood. Why was there so much? "Your wish has been granted." The voice chuckled as I stood up "What...what happened?"

"You said that you wanted to be left alone and now you are."
"B-but I didn't want them to die! They were innocent!"
"Seriously? How much of a pussy can you be?"
"Shut it!"
"Why? You were always a pussy! Team RWBY made you watch as CRDL fucked them like animals in heat! You tried to back out of a fight with the weakest huntsman here!"
"I didn't want to fight him because he's my friend!"
"Was Y/N, was! He's dead now! Just be thankful that there weren't any cameras near by."

I started to panic and I ran off to get away from the mess, but that's when I bumped into them. "Hey Y/N, did you enjoy the show?~" Yang went to grab me, but that's when I...woke up?

I began to breathe heavily and I held my chest, only to feel the beat of my heart go faster "Why...why is this happening?!"

A/N: What did you guys think?

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