(Intermission) SOTOS (3)

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A/N: Here we go!


The Flash dropped me off at my apartment, but I grabbed his shoulder "Why did you take me here? I can try to calm her down!" He shook his head "No can do man. If she sees you she might lose it and kill you." He ran off before I could even say another word "You've got to be kidding me!" I ran my hand through my hair and yelled in anguish. "Of all the days!" However, after I said that a bright white light appeared before me. I covered my eyes so the light wouldn't damage them, but it was kinda hard to do so. The light died down and I uncovered my eyes to spot...is that a...

Kara (Supergirl) POV

"Stop this Karen! There's no need for us to fight!" Karen growled and picked up a car "You took him from me! You put your disgusting lips on him!" She threw the car at me, but I was able to move out the way "You hurt him Karen! You went to Jason and you had his child!" She growled once again "SHUT UP!" She spread her arms put wide and clapped, but not just any clap. A thunder clap. The force of it had shattered the glass off multiple buildings. A green missle hit Karen and made her fly back "We have to get her away from the city!" Hal yelled as he created more misses "I know that!" I charged at Karen and grabbed her, flying into the air and towards a wasteland "Get off slut!" She put her hand into a sledgehammer position and slammed them on to my back. Even though she did this repeatedly I kept my grip firm and strong. "I said, GET OFF!" She fired her heat vision into my back and it caused me to grit my teeth in pain. My grip loosened a bit, but once I saw a mountain I knew what I had to do "This is gonna suck!" I charged towards the mountain and went straight through, causing it to damage the both of us.

I finally let go and the both of us crashed into the ground "I... don't wanna fight!" I stood up as she began to stand as well "You ruined everything! Him and I were meant for each other! And now he proposed to you. You aren't as mature as me! You aren't as sexy as me! You don't have any experience in the bed! Why does he want you?! Tell me!"

"Because I don't lie like you! He gave you everything and you tossed it out the window! You fucked Jason because he wasn't enough for you, but now when the tables turn you come crawling back! When I'm with him I return the feelings! I haven't lied to him once! I never thought of sleeping with another person! That's why we're happy together!" She picked up a large boulder and through it at me, but I broke it with my punch. Before she could use her heat vision a shield was thrown at her throat "Kara!" I turned my head to see Diana and Hal "Diana, this is between me and her. I...I don't want you guys getting caught up in the middle." Hal looked at me in surprise "You sure? It would be easier if we did this together." Barry came and gave me a thumbs up "He's safe. Now let's take her down!"

"Wait B-" It was too late as he already ran at her.

Barry POV

I ran around Karen and gave her a few punches to the stomach and a kicked to the back of her knee "You bastard!" I continued my assault with a few more jabs, but that's when she surprised the hell out of me and grabbed me by my throat "Enough." She began to add more pressure, but Kara blasted her with her heat vision, letting me go in the process.

Kara POV

I flew up to Barry and sighed "You okay?" He nodded and stood up "That hurt, like a lot." I grabbed the back of his costume and smiled "Sorry about this?" He tilted his head "For?" I threw him at Diana and yelled "Now go!" She nodded and her, Barry, and Hal left "You should have let them stay. That way you'd stand a chance!" As soon as I turned around her fist indented itself into my face and knocked me back. As I was knocked backed she flew up to do me and slammed me on to the ground "Get up bitch!" My body began to shake as I attempted to stand "F...Fuck you." She punched me in the stomach and I dropped to my knees, coughing up blood "Pathetic!" I looked up at her as she laughed "Shut. Up!" I used my strength to stand up and I gave her a clean right hook, but it seemed to tickle her "Weak." She grabbed my arm and push my elbow upwards, breaking my arm. I screamed out in pain, but she grabbed my head and kneed me. This caused me to fall on to my back in pain "You can't protect him like I can! I'm going to give you one chance to give up and walk away Kara. What do you say?"

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