Inner Beast (4)

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A/N: This takes place a few days after the deaths of Yang and Cardin.

Ozpin POV

I should have had people escort him to the bullhead, but I was too idiotic. I knew he was a bit unstable, but to think Y/N would do this is... unbelievable. I took my glasses off and sighed "I didn't wish for this outcome, but it appears that I must do this in order to keep my students safe." Just then Qrow, in bird form, flew in before turn into his human state "Where is he Oz?! Where's that bastard hiding?!" I sighed again and put my glasses back on "As of right now, we don't know. That's why I've planned on working with both Ironwood and Winter to find Y/N." Qrow clenched his fist in anger "Fine, but when we find this bastard, I get to kill him! Nobody takes my family away from me. Nobody!"


"So what are you gonna do now kid?" I ignored him and landed on a tree branch "The creator of a whore..." I narrowed my eyes as I spotted Raven Branwen talking to another girl who looked to be around my age. "I should have know that she would do something like this. Her bastard of a father did the same thing to me." I snapped my fingers and a tendril dragged the girl by her leg. She tried to cut the tendril off, but it had dragged her into the darkness. "Vernal!" Raven yelled as she went for her sword. I lifted up my hand and a tendril grabbed her wrist. I hopped down and landed in front of her "What the hell do you need? What did you do with Vernal?!"

I just titled my head "Your apprentice?" I snapped my fingers again and the tendril came back, but this time Vernal was just a husk with a large hole in her body. I could see a few tears drip from Raven's face, but that didn't matter. "I'll kill you for this! Do you hear me?! I'll end your life after I get out of this!" I narrowed my eyes and a tendril wrapped itself around her neck "Do you truly believe your threats hold truth?" Her face began to change color as the tendril became tighter "You're the creator of my greatest pain..." That's when her eyes began to glow and the tendril began to freeze. I looked at it, unphased "Ice? How can you use ice on a heart that's already frozen?" The tendril shattered and I jumped back.

Raven POV

I began to grit my teeth as I watched this bastard's face. It never showed any emotion, as if he were just a shell "Tendrils? So you were the one who killed Yang." I clenched my fist "Even if she cheated on you, I'll avenge her!" His eyes still showed nothing "Avenging a slut? That's... interesting." Just then a dark hand came from his back and I began to hear laughter "HAHAHAHAHAHA... Quote the Raven... NEVERMORE!" A dark being came from his back, but on the top half. It looked like a Grimm, but... different. (For the people who wanted Venom, he'll be like Shukaku or the guy from Soul Eater. You know, the guy who came out that other guy's back. His name is escaping me though.)


"You think we'll let you stop us? Hell no! We still got limp dick bastards and cum dumpsters to kill!" Raven's eyes began to glow more "Disgusting freak!" She charge at me with an ice sword while I put up a barrier to stop her "Freak... Freak... FREAK?!" My arm became full dark and it began to grow. I could feel that the left side of my body began to change as well. (Chunin Exams, remember?) I went to throw my fist towards her, but she put an electrical field around herself "EVER SINCE YOUR WHORE OF A DAUGHTER FUCKED THAT RACIST PRICK, I'VE BEEN SEEN AS A MONSTER IN HUMAN SKIN! A DEMON! A PARIAH!" My fist eventually wet through and I grabbed her wrist. She attempted to create an ice sword with her other hand, but I began to crush her wrist, causing her to lose concentration. "THEY MADE ME WATCH! THEY MADE ME SEE EVERY DETAIL! I SAW THE PUREST OF ROSES BECOME TAINTED THEIR SEED! MY SNOW ANGEL WAS COVERED IN THEIR "SNOW!"

More of the darkness began to spread on her body and she tried to use her ice to freeze it. It didn't work. "MY KITTEN WAS TAMED BY THE BASTARDS WHO TORTURE HER RACE!" I could see the desperation on her face and it was similar to the look... that Yang gave me. "YANG...YANG...YANG!!!!" The darkness hardened and crushed her arm. She screamed in pain, but I didn't care! I ripped off her arm since it was useless, and tossed it aside "YOU HURT ME THE MOST! YOU...YOU WERE THE ONE I HAD PLANNED TO PROPOSE TO FIRST!"

Raven POV

For the first time in years, I truly believed I was going to die. I was going to be killed by someone who was wrong by my own daughter. Maybe our family just causes misery the more we grow. As I laid on the floor I began to think of the people I wronged. Every person I killed. If I could say one last thing it would be... that I'm so sorry.


I picked up her body and laughed "YOU HUNGRY?" I threw her body into the air he began to eat her "Delicious..." He went back inside my back and my body returned to normal.

A/N: Sorry for that long... hiatus? I was going through some stuff. Mainly studying, but since it's summer I'll be updating more. Tell me what you guys thought and if you have any ideas they may be featured in future chapters.

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