Sleepyhead (Modern AU)

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A/N: Enjoy! By the way you guys can watch the video or you can read the lyrics below. Doesn't really matter. Why the hell did I put that? Anyways a phone will be called a phone, not a scroll. You're in a studio by the way.


I kept wondering what to write and I almost had an idea, but then my phone kept going off "This girl is seriously annoying me." I declined the call and put my head on to the table "Why does thinking harm the brain rather than helping it?" It was at this moment that Ruby walked into the room and smiled at me before falling face first on to the couch, falling asleep instantly. "She works too hard. Hopefully sleeping can... got it!"

Small Time Skip

I made sure Ruby was still asleep and nodded to myself "Gotta make sure she doesn't hear this yet."

Beautiful, Mind, Mind, Mind
She's literally like five feet away from me
While I'm recording this, sleeping on the couch
And this is for her, sleepy ass

I wrote this while I'm watching you sleep (you sleep)
You're behind me on the couch and in the studio
So I'm gonna make this all about sleep
(All about sleep)
And soft so I don't wake you up
You're smiling as you sleep so you dig it
Only I can make soft shit and rip it
I know that you were dope from the jump like ribbit
Cause all these other girls fall short like midgets

The Sandman gon' flip when he come through
While you count sheep I'll give him music to jump to
The Sandman gon' flip when he come through
While you count sheep I'll give him music to jump to
While you count sheep I'll give him music to jump to
While you count sheep I'll give him music to jump to

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