The Huntsman Who Laughs (4)

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A/N: This is what Mercy/Mercury looks like.

A/N: This is what Mercy/Mercury looks like

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5,874 pancakes. This girl really knows how to party. I looked at Nora as she began to pat her stomach "Ya know that other people gotta eat right?" She looked at me and burped straight in my face. "Sorry!" She said as she covered her mouth. I gave her a straight face before laughing "Nice one! I think I can top that though." I stood up and concentrated. I then released a burp that pushed half of the cafeteria back (Marlon Webb Style and if you don't know what I mean it's when somebody farts and the beat drops. You might need to turn your volume down for that one.) "Sorry everybody! Just had to show Nora who was the top dog when it came to burping!" I saw that she started waving a white flag and I laughed. She had a bit of syrup near her mouth and I said "Let me get that off of your face." I used my thumb to wipe off some of it, but when I accidently touched her mouth she put my thumb in it. The sound of Ruby gasping caught everyone's attention "Do you guys see them? They're just adorable!"

Mercury POV

I turned my head and saw that the pancake loving maniac had Y/N's thumb in her mouth. "F/N! What the hell are you doing?!" He took his thumb out of her mouth and said "It's just some harmless fun Mercy." Somehow he was already beside me and whispered "You're still my number one girl. In fact I have a present for you later." He walked back towards her and said "You know I didn't think I'd taste that good." He picked up her hand and said "This is payback." He wouldn't dare. He put her thumb in syrup and put it in his mouth. The blond bimbo then said something which pissed me off. "I ship it!"

Time Skip - Y/N POV

I walked towards our dorm with a smile "It's nice to see Nora smile again. Ren deserved everything that happened to him." I opened the door and saw a very angry Emmy, Mercy, and Cindy looking at me. Something tells me I'm gonna need to run. "Hey guys! What's the matter? Did Cardin try something? Why I atta!" I rolled up my sleeves, but then Cindy glared at me "Sit. Down. Now." I pulled up a chair and sat in it backwards "Why are you getting close with them? Our mission was to collect Intel, not to get acquainted with any students." She stood up and walked over to me, but I just smiled "Well I had to cheer up a friend. She needed help and I thought it was my duty to make her smile!" I did a salute and somehow fell out of my chair. Ouch.

Jaune POV

Nora was finally sleeping peacefully. It felt odd since some guy, who just got here, had got her to laugh and smile again. I smiled, but frowned when Pyrrha walked out of the bathroom "Hey Jaune~" I sighed and laid down "What do you want Pyrrha?"

"Oh I was just wondering if you wanted to make me feel good after that training session we had."
"Well that is a huge no. After everything you did the only thing we're doing is training."
"Awww, don't be like that Jaune-Jaune~" I narrowed my eyes "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

I got out of bed and looked her straight in the eye "I said..." She grabbed me and held me down on the bed "Don't be like that Jaune-Jaune~" I tried to move, but she was stronger than me. "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time Jaune. Ever since the first day." I was about to yell out for help, but then I started to feel sleepy "What... did... you do?" She smirked "Oh nothing. All I did was stick this syringe in your arm. Now I can do whatever I want to you." I couldn't speak anymore. I prayed to Oum that somebody would help me, but that help never came.

Time Skip - Y/N POV

I woke up and stretched "That was one great nap!" I looked at my bed and saw that Mercy was in it while wearing only a shirt "I don't remember doing anything with her. Now I remember! Emmy put a whole bunch a paint in her bed and when contact came on it that made it explode." I walked over to the bathroom door, but as soon as I was about to open it Cinder walked out in just a towel. Neat. "Hey Cindy!" I waved and she blushed "Don't do that Y/N! Just go inside already!"

Nora POV

"Are you sure we should be doing this F/N? What if my team comes back?"
"It doesn't matter Nora. I've waited a long time for us to be alone together and I'm taking it. I love you Nora Valkyrie."
"I love you too F/N."

His hand started from the inner part of my leg and then he went higher. Once his hand reached the inside of my skirt he- *RING*

End Dream

I opened my eyes and smashed my alarm clock. Damn thing ruined everything. I looked around and say Pyrrha in the bed with Jaune. Did something happen while I was sleeping? I shook my head and said "Actually that doesn't matter. What does matter is that I found someone to fill that whole in my heart." I bit my lip and slid my hand into my panties "F/N. I just can't get you out of my head."

A/N: Hopefully you guys liked this part. I wanted to do it from the perspective of multiple people instead of just the reader. Part 5?

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