The house of Amityville horror

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Tommy's: POV

The 4th of Otcober year 2012 Amityville

"Tommy, Molly, wake up!" said Dia. "What's it mom?" I asked sleepy. "We're here now!" she said. "Really?" I asked. "Yes!" replied mom. "Come Molly!" I said and opened the door. "Wait for me!" she replied.

(Tommy's stepsister Molly)

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(Tommy's stepsister Molly)

(Tommy's stepsister Molly)

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(Their new house)

We ran into the house and looked around. "Time to a pick a room!" I said and began to walk upstairs. "Can't you help us to pack up first?" asked my stepfather. "No!" I said. "I didn't expect it either!" replied Robert. I rolled my eyes and went into a room.

Gray walls, a large bookshelf that stood by the window and a bed. A typical bedroom.

I was about to open my suitcase when I heard gun shot. I rushed down and yelled at Robert. "You scared me to death!" I said angrily. "Stop yelling!" he replied. "I'm gonna call dad if you hurt my mom!" I said warned. "What are you talking about?" asked Dia confused. "I heard a gun, I thought he had shot you!" I said.

"I would never do that!" he replied. "Stop lying!" I said coldly. "You have to stop watching horror movies!" replied mom. "But it's true, I really heard it!" I said. "That's enough Tommy!" replied Robert strictly. "I hate you two so much!" I shouted and ran up to my room again.


The rain poured down and the thunder rumbled like hungry wolves. A lightning cut through the dark sky and the wind threatened to break the house.

A crying girl woke me up and my first thought was Molly. I went up and walked quietly to her room.

She slept deeply in her bed and she wasn't sad. I gave her a kiss on her forehead before I went back.

I fell asleep as well, but I could still hear the gun and the crying girl. Something horrible has happened here.

You're right Tommy, something horrible has happened in the house.

I hope you liked this first chapter of my new book.


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