Can a heart still break, once it's stopped beating

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Tommy's: POV

A cool finger stroked my cheek and I smiled. I kissed his lips and he let out a soft moan. His blue eyes shone like crystals in the early morning light. He's so gorgeous it actually hurts.

"Good morning Tommy!" said Adam with his honey sweet voice. "Morning!" I replied with raspy voice. "Your morning voice is so sexy!" he teased. "Shut up!" I said annyoed. "Love you too!" replied Adam. I chuckled and he placed a kiss on my cheek.

(Adam's room)

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(Adam's room)

Then we went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I noticed a photo of Adam on a shelf while I was eating my sandwich.

His hair reached down to the shoulders and he wore a suit. He had his arm around a woman who smiled happily at the camera. I took out the photo and read the text.

The 16th of June year 1973 Long Island

Me and my beautiful mom at her wedding. I wish you all happiness in the world. Lots of love to you and Andy.

"Can I borrow your computer?" I asked. "Sure!" said Adam. "I've homeworks to do!" I lied. "Poor you!" he said. I faked a smile and went up to his room again.

I found a article about the Amityville murder. I read the text twice and my whole body froze.

The 13th of November year 1974 Long Island

A man murdered his entire family he claims he heard voices who forced him to kill them

The police arrested Andy Jackson yesterday night for murder. He had heard voices in his head that caused him to kill his family. Everyone had been shot to death in their sleep.

Here's the list of the family members who died. May the rest in peace.

Leila Lambert, 40

Adam Lambert, 19

Neil Lambert, 17

Cornelia Jackson, 6

Jonathan Jackson, 7

I packed down my stuff in my bag and hurried down. "Is everything okay?" asked Adam. "Yeah!" I said. "Are you sure?" he asked worried.

"I have to fly to LA to vist my dad and I don't know how long I'll be there!" I replied. "Take your time!" he said. "Thanks!" I replied. He gave me a goodbye hug before I left.


I sat on the plane and a tear ran down my cheek. I called dad and my voice cracked.

"I hate Robert so much and mom doesn't care about me!" I said. "Oh my dear boy!" replied dad. "I'm on my way to Los Angeles now and I'll stay there for a few days!" I said. "I pick you up at the airport!" replied Ron. "Thank you dad!" I said. "No problem!" he replied.

"See you later then!" I said. "I can't wait to see you again!" replied dad. "Me eithter!" I said. "Bye Thomas!" replied Ron. "Bye dad!" I said and hung up.

The plane lifted and I looked out from the window. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Poor Tommy😭

I hope you liked this chapter.


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