You have sentenced his family to death

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Tommy's: POV

"Snow in November!" I said. "It's strange!" replied Adam. "But I love it!" I said happily and danced around. Adam smiled softly at me. "Hey!" he said when I threw a snowball on him. "I had to!" I replied. Then we had snowball war and we laughed.

Adam draw a heart in the snow to me. "So beautiful!" I said. "It's to you, my love!" he replied and kissed me. "Aww, I love you so much!" I said. "I love you more!" replied Adam.

Then he went down to his knee and opened a box with a diamond ring. "Will you marry me?" asked Adam. "Yes, yes!" I said. He put the ring on my finger with a smile. I hugged him and tears of joy ran down my cheeks.


Adam's: POV

I was on my way home, but a man stopped me. "Hello Adam!" he said. "Neil!" I replied surprised. "Do you remember your little brother?" he asked. "Of course I do!" I said. "I come to see my kind big brother, but he's isn't here!" replied Neil. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"You have sentenced his family to death!" he said. "They have no choice!" I replied. "How can you be so heartless? think of Molly and Tommy!" he said. "They shouldn't have moved in!" I replied. "You've changed a lot!" said Neil. "Leave me alone!" I replied.

"Just because Sauli died, doesn't mean they have to die!" said Neil. I used my powers and he screamed outta pain.

"Maybe I should get rid of you too!" I replied coldly. "Please stop the torture!" he begged. "You were always Andy's favorite while I stood in the shadow!" I said. "He loved you!" replied Neil. "He hated me!" I shouted angrily.

I ripped out his heart and he fell to the ground dead. I buried his body and walked away.

Darkness and hate flows in his veins. I hope you liked this chapter.


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