Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am

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Dia's: POV

I cleaned Tommy's room and was in mu own thoughts. "I'm scared mommy!" said a boy suddlenly. "You're safe here!" replied a woman.

"Where's Adam?" asked Jonathan. "He's with his boyfriend and he'll come back tomorrow!" said Leila. "Okay, good night mommy!" he replied. "Good night sweetheart!" she said

Someone poked my arm and the boy smiled at me. "Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am!" he replied. "Who are you?" I asked scared. "My name is Jonathan Jackson and I died in this room!" he said. "Go away!" I replied, but screamed when my hand went through him.

A girl went up to him and she smirked. "My name is Cornelia and I'm his sister!" she said. "We don't like new people!" replied Jonathan.

Paintings fell down, plates were crushed against the floor and the lights started to swing. "Please stop!" I begged. "Your family will meet the same fate as we did!" said Cornelia and laughed.

I ran into my room and locked the door. I sat down on the floor and breathed heavily.

"Mom!" said Tommy. "You scared me!" I replied. "Goodbye mom!" he said and shot me.


"Wake up Dia, you've a nightmare!" said Robert and shook me softly. I opened my eyes and saw my husband. I hugged him and my body was shaking of fear. "It was only a nightmare!" he said calmly. "It felt so real!" I replied.

"It's over now!" he said. "Yeah!" I replied. "Do you want a cup of hot tea?" asked Robert. "Yes please!" I said. He smiled and walked out of the room.

I went up and took a deep breath to calm me down. Then I went to the kitchen.

In the shadow stood a boy with his hands on his siblings shoulders. "It's not over, it has just begun!" he said.

Could it be Adam?

I hope you liked this chapter.


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