Chapter 1 ~ Captured

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I walked along a street in the Underground, my cloak hiding my 3DMG. I stole it from a military soldier's body after I killed him. I taught and trained myself with the 3DMG and I have to admit, I was pretty good with it.

I was currently on my way to steal food from the market. I hadn't been in a while and I was running low. I was almost there when I heard a commotion. I stopped in my tracks and quickly ducked into an alleyway.

I tried to see what was going on but couldn't. I heard a lot of yelling and zipping by that sounded like the use of 3DMG. There was also the sound of boots very close by.

Deciding it was best to get out of there, I launched my 3DMG hooks onto the top of a building's wall and flipped myself up to the top. I ran across the roof and jumped off, continuing to use my 3DMG to go from building to building. I thought I was going unnoticed until I heard someone yell behind me.

"Hey! There she is!"

I turned my head slightly around to look behind me. Sure enough, there were about five military soldiers coming after me on their 3DMG.

They must be after me again... Oh well, let's just finish them off like we always do.

I turned back around and adjusted the hood of my cloak, keeping it over my head to cover my face. I couldn't afford to have people knowing who I really am.

I slowed down a bit to get a couple soldiers near me. When they were close enough, I made a sharp turn which made them panic and unhook their hooks, leading them to fall to the ground.

Hmph. Newbs.

There were still three behind me. Guessing that they were like their two little buddies from before, I shot my hooks straight into a wall. Thinking they had me caught, they tried to come up on either side of me. However, I propelled backwards, leading them to smash into the wall.

Great, only one more left. This should be easy.

I started to zip away, using fancy tricks and flips to get the last soldier off my tail. This one, however, didn't seem to be fazed at all. He used his own tricks and flips until he somehow got closer to me.

Man... And I thought I had him... Oh well, I'm not giving up now!

I continued zooming on until I felt an uneven weight being put on my body. Looking to my left, I saw that he had cut one of my wires.

That little...

Deciding it was the best option, I released my right 3DMG hook and fell to the ground, tucking and rolling. I realized that from now on I'd just try to physically fight him.

I heard him come up behind me on his 3DMG and try to kick me while swinging down from a building. I swiftly ducked and grabbed my knife from the back of my pants.

He turned around and grabbed both his swords. I immediately charged at him, our weapons clashing. I pressed onto him until he finally backed up. That didn't stop him, though. I charged again and we continued fighting, both of us earning cuts and scrapes from each other's weapons.

He quickly spun around and tried to kick my head, but I dodged it. While he was off-guard, I took the opportunity to punch him in the face, then knee him in the stomach. He stumbled a little backwards and I saw blood start to seep from his wound. He dropped one of his swords and charged at me again but I have to admit, this guy is pretty good.

We continued fighting when suddenly I wasn't paying attention and he drop-kicked me. I fell to the ground and tried to get up but he was faster. He pressed his sword to my neck.

"Give up." He growled, a slight smirk on his face.

"Never." I growled back and tried to get up but it was no use. His other hand was holding down my hand that held my knife, and his legs were pressing down hard on mine.

I struggled until I heard people behind me. I turned my head to look behind me. They were soldiers, just like this guy was. Not from the military police, no. I had heard of them. The Survey Corps.

"Hmph." He said smugly.

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. I realized then that I was trapped, captured.

So I gave up.

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