Chapter 2 ~ Interrogation

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The man let go and got off of me. Another man, however, approached me next. Man... those eyebrows...

"Mike, handcuff her." He said. He was tall and had very neat, slick blonde hair. He looked down at me with his icy blue eyes. The Mike guy came and handcuffed me, me now positioned on my knees in front of the three men. "Good work, Levi. We finally got her." The blonde man said.

Levi... Like my father... He does have black hair and eyes like mine... But that's impossible. I don't even know where he is. He could be dead for all I know.

"Tch." The Levi guy responded.

"So... you're the one we've been after, huh?" The blonde man again spoke, almost tauntingly. "I have to admit, you're pretty good." He then stepped closer to me. "How did you learn to fight like that? How did you learn to master the 3DMG?" He asked.

I stayed silent. I figured it was for the best.

"Oi, brat." The Levi guy said harshly and kicked me hard in my ribs, knocking a breath out of me. "He asked you a question."

"Well why should I answer it? I don't even know you guys." I remarked.

"Because we could be the people to choose in between you getting off the hook with all your crimes or getting sent to jail, and probably executed." The blonde said.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, but obviously they couldn't see that due to my cloak hood still being up. The blonde stepped even closer to me.

"We could be your ticket out of this place." He said, almost softly. My eyes widened and my breath hitched. Could they really...? But what if they really are just bluffing? What if what they're saying is nothing but just lies? "So, care to answer my questions now?" He asked. Well I'm not getting out of this situation any time soon. Better just to take the risk.

"My dad taught me how to fight when I was little before he left. As for the 3DMG, I stole it from a military soldier's body after I killed him." I told him.

"I see." The blonde man said, taking in what I had just told him. He then pulled out a scroll from his pocket and unraveled it and read. "It seems that you are wanted for many crimes. Theft... murder... etc."

"Tch. And? What do you expect from down here?" I hissed at them.

"You mentioned your dad earlier. Is he not here with you anymore?" He asked.

"No. My mom died when I was about two. When I was five, my dad left for a job above ground. He promised that he'd come back for me... but he never did." I said solemnly, my head drooping down.

"I'm sorry to hear that." The blonde said with a hint of pity and compassion in his voice. I actually kind of appreciated it. I was all alone alone after my dad left. For eleven years I wandered down here alone, in the dark. I still lived in the house that I had with my mom and dad. I had no friends, no family, nobody to call my own. Stuck down here without much of a choice... I can't stand it. This place is cruel, merciless. Even with being so skilled, every day was a miracle if I got through it. Ambushes... murder attempts... break-ins... you name it. And to hear just a little bit of compassion in this man's voice... felt really nice. Maybe he isn't so bad after all...

"Well, I've got a proposal for you." He said and came down to kneel down in front of me. "I am Erwin Smith, 13th commander of the Survey Corps. We fight against the titans for humanity. Join us and all your crimes will be forgotten."

I was shocked. Should I really do it?

"And if I refuse?" I asked.

"You'll be thrown into jail and most likely killed." Erwin answered.

I thought for a second about it before something else came to my mind.

"You said earlier that you could get me out of here." I said to him.

"Right. We could get you citizenship above ground." He answered. That almost had me hooked. I continued to play it over in my mind, though.

"Oi, brat, make up your mind already." The Levi guy said and tapped his foot, obviously getting impatient. It's better than getting thrown into jail and executed, so...

"I'll do it." I said. "I'll join the Survey Corps."

"Glad to hear." Erwin said, taking the handcuffs off of me, allowing me to now stand up on my own, and stood up, now standing in front of me. "So may I have your name?"

"Sophie." I answered.

"Well, Sophie, I'm proud to have you with us. Do you mind if we take off your hood?" I guess it wouldn't really hurt if I'm leaving this place one and for all.

"Not at all." I answered.

"Good, thank you. Levi." He nodded to Levi, who was still standing beside me. He reached down and pulled it back. My long raven hair fell into its usually place. I looked up to Erwin but I heard someone's breath from beside me hitch.


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