Chapter 20 ~ A new life

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Sophie's POV

I sat on top of a tree in the forest outside the walls. Seeing that I was a scout, the Garrison soldiers let me through the gate of Wall Maria. I made sure I was a good ways away from the wall before I tied my horse up and climbed up a tree to rest. I didn't use my 3DMG because I wanted to save the gas. In my bag, though, I had a couple extra canisters. I also had some food and water I snuck from the mess hall kitchen.

I didn't know how long I was going to be out here, or if I'd ever go back. Sure I'd have to kill the titans that came along, but out here it was so peaceful. Who knows, maybe I'll end up finding all the things that Armin told me about.

Oh, Armin... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for leaving. You were so sweet and smart. You're kind nature was like a light in the darkness and your curiosity was so unique. You have so much potential. You don't see it now but I do. We all do. You'll be something great some day. Something greater than what you already are.

Hanji... I'm so sorry I'm not there anymore. While you did get a little crazy at times, or most of the times, you were one of my best friends. I really did enjoy helping you with your experiments and studies. You don't know it but my dad really does appreciate you, both you and Erwin. After losing all that he's lost, you guys are there for him and I can tell you'll always be. I'll miss forever being your 'Ackerman baby'.

Erwin... Thank you so much for coming down to the Underground to get me. If it weren't for you, I would probably still be stuck down there, down there in that awful, smelly, dirty place that is contaminated with disease, death, and sorrow, possibly dead. You made my dream of coming to the above world come true. You gave me so many new experiences. New sights, smells, sounds, tastes, thoughts and ideas. I could never thank you enough for what you did.

Jean, Sasha, Connie, Christa, Ymir, Reiner, Berthodlt... Some of you I knew better than others but really, it makes no difference. You guys were my family. I knew you'd always be there for me and that I could count on you. Thank you for not judging me for where I came from. Thank you for accepting me as your own. I honestly never thought I'd get people like you in my life.

Dad... I thought I'd never see you again. After 11 long years you finally returned. We could be a family again. I was so glad. I was so happy. I thought I was all alone and abandoned in the world until you literally came and saved me. I'm so sorry I had to go. You were the main person keeping me back, but I just couldn't stay. It was too much. Too much pain. Too much sorrow. Too much betrayal. I just don't understand. I'm sorry things had to end like this, especially when we just got reunited and grown so close. I'm sorry... Thank you. I love you.

A lone tear slid down my cheek as I thought of all the people I left behind. I didn't want to leave, but I had to. I couldn't stay.

Eren and Mikasa... Thank you for pushing me towards something new and better, for myself. I'll still miss you guys but please, forget me and live your life. Together. And maybe, just maybe, I'll eventually move on from you, Eren.

I stood up and took a deep breath, wiping away my tears. I climbed down the tree and got on my horse. I snapped the reins and we were off. Off to something different. Off to something free. Off to a new life.

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