Chapter 16 ~ Goodbye

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"Gunter!" I yelled. He was dead. No!

Suddenly there was a big flash of light and the mysterious scout turned into the female titan from earlier.

In that moment, I don't know what happened to me. I felt a sudden surge inside of me. It was filled with all kinds of emotions such as sorrow, regret, and anger.

Without thinking, I started going in the opposite direction in my 3DMG. I was heading towards the female titan.

"Sophie!! What are you doing?!" Eren called out to me. I ignored him. Right now my mind was solely focused on revenge, on making her pay. Gunter was a part of my family. A part of my family that I haven't had in a long time. You don't just simply take that away from me like so easily.

"Sophie!!" Petra yelled to me.

I hooked my right 3DMG hook into the cheek of the female titan, and went to stab her in one of her eyes. She stumbled a bit but quickly regained herself. I then hooked my left hook into her arm, intending to swing myself around and get to her nape. However, half-way through my 3DMG started smoking.

"What in the world?!" I said to myself.

The female titan used this opportunity that I was distracted to grab onto one of my 3DMG wires. She took it and swung me into a tree. The last thing I heard was Eren's distressed scream of my name.

Time skip

I woke up after what felt like forever. My head and back were throbbing. I tried to move but everything hurt so bad. I looked around me and saw so much blood. Is all this mine? I then remembered what happened.

I tried to attack the female titan... but she slammed me into a tree... Wait! Where's the squad?! Where's Eren?! We were supposed to protect him!

I mustered up all my strength and crawled through the forest. Every move I made ached my entire body, but I knew I had to keep going. For myself, for my dad, for the squad, for Eren, and for the whole Survey Corps. For humanity.

After what felt like hours but was probably only mere minutes, I came to a sight that I never wanted to see.

Before me was my squad.


Petra was kicked into a tree, Eld was bit in half, Oluo was laying stomach-down, and Gunter was still hanging upside down from a tree.

"No!!!" I cried out loud. They're all dead!! My family's dead!! I felt a waterfall of warm salty tears fall down my face. I couldn't believe it. They were all dead.

Petra... my good friend. She was so sweet. Me & her would always stay up late at night talking and got super close. We even went into town a couple of times together. I always thought that her and my dad might have something happen between them in the future. I wouldn't mind at all having her be a part of my actually-related family, but it's too late for that now.

Eld... a natural born leader. He was so inspirational & encouraging. He was one of the nicest people I've met in my time here.

Gunter... he was so good to be around. Easy to talk to and a good friend.

Oluo... even if we did have some rough patches, he was still a good guy. He was sweet and amusing in his own way.

Wait! Where's Eren?! I looked around me but he was nowhere to be seen. Don't tell me he turned into a titan after all of this?!

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that somebody had come until they called out to me. "Sophie!!" The person called. I looked back and saw my dad. No... he can't see this! This is probably all my fault! "What happened?! Are you okay?!"

"Dad..." I croaked out in tears. "I... I couldn't save them..."

"It's okay, Sophie." He said. "It's not your fault." He held my head to his chest and rubbed it while I cried. "What happened?"

"I tried to attack the female titan, but my gear started smoking and she threw me into a tree." I said. He seemed a bit shocked.

"Your gear started smoking?" He questioned.

"Yeah... I don't know what happened." I said.

"Where are you hurt?"

"My head and back are killing me." I said. "Everything hurts when I move." As soon as I said that I felt a wave of extreme dizziness come over me.

"Okay hold on, we're gonna take you to the wagons." My dad said and picked me up bridal-style, careful not to hurt my injuries. I looked back over my shoulder at my squad one last time before blacking out.

My family...


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