Chapter 23 ~ Explanation

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The voice was all too familiar.


I had nowhere to go. I simply walked deeper into the ocean. I soon heard footsteps running behind me.

No... please just leave me alone...

A hand gripped onto my wrist and spun me around. Sure enough it was Eren. He quickly wrapped me into a tight hug. "Thank goodness you're alright!" He said into my shoulder. "We were worried sick."

I gently, so as not to be rude, removed himself from me. He looked at me with both shocked and hurt eyes. I started to walk back to shore when I saw four other people. Armin, Sasha, Jean, and my dad. My dad rushed over to me.

"I was so worried." He pulled me into a tight hug, sounding like he was on the brink of tears.

"Sorry." I murmured.

"Sophie it wasn't what you thought it was." Eren said from behind me. I turned around and scoffed.

"Yeah, sure." I went to go put my socks and boots back on.

"It really isn't!" He anxiously said and came over to me. "Mikasa forced me to kiss her."

"And you couldn't just push her away?" I asked, continuing what I was doing, not exactly looking him in the eyes.

"She was too strong." He said. I looked at him, trying to figure out if he was being honest or not.

"It's true, Sophie." Sasha said. "You know the way Mikasa acted towards you."

"But would she really go that far?" I asked, not quite believing them yet.

"Yes!" Eren said. "She even tried to mess up your 3DMG on the expedition. That's why it failed you." This made my breath hitch.

She did it?! But why?! How?!

"But would she really?" I asked again. "I don't know if Mikasa would-"

"Sophie." My dad interjected. "I know you want to see the best in people but she admitted it."

"It's true." Armin spoke up. "She's in the dungeon right now. There's going to be a trial."

I looked down at the sand. I knew Mikasa didn't like me but trying to kill me? That possibility never even crossed my mind. Eren came up and held my hand.

"See?" He said. "It was all just a big misunderstanding. Please come back."

"I... I don't know." I answered honestly.

"Sophie." My dad walked over to us. "We all care about you and love you. Please come back."

"You should know that we'd never betray you like that." Eren said sincerely. I looked down at Eren's hand holding mine.

"Alright." I answered softly. "I'll come back." Eren immediately jumped onto me for a hug.

"Thank you!" He said. I smiled and hugged him back. He let go and we looked into each other's eyes sincerely, smiling.

"Glad to have you back, brat." My dad ruffled my hair.

"I love you, too." I giggled.

Time skip

We spent a couple hours at the ocean. It was literally a dream come true. We never thought we'd be here. Armin was so excited and happy. He went in the water, collected some seashells, and had a small camera and notebook to take down some things. I was so happy for my little coconut.

Sasha and Jean were currently having a splash battle and my dad was sitting on the shore where when the wave came it would only touch his feet and legs. Eren and I were sitting under a tree holding hands.

"I'm really sorry." He said. I looked up at him.

"For what?" I asked, a bit confused.

"For the whole Mikasa situation."

"Eren." I cupped his cheek. "That wasn't your fault." He smiled at me sincerely.

"I'm just glad you're back." He said.

"Yeah, me too." I replied and we both leaned in for a kiss. It was warm and sweet, but yet a little salty from the ocean. It's only been a day but oh how I've missed this.

"Alright, that's enough." I heard and saw my dad standing over us. Eren blushed and I giggled, both of us pulling away. "We're heading back now."

I explained what happened about my horse and so I rode on the back of Eren's to HQ. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned onto his back. "I love you." I whispered in his ear. He smiled.

"I love you, too."

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