Chapter 7 ~ A trip into town

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The next morning I took my time getting ready since it was apparently a free day. Hanji had brought me some regular clothes for days like this when I didn't have to wear my uniform. I looked into my closet and pulled out a simple light pink dress. This is cute. I put it on and heard a knock on my door. I opened it up and saw Armin.

"Oh, hey, Armin!" I smiled at him.

"Hey, Sophie. The group and I were going into town and we were wondering if you wanted to go with us. You know, to get more familiar with the above ground." He suggested.

"Sure, I'd love to!" I said and we headed out to the entrance of the headquarters. Everybody was already there.

"Hey, Sophie!" Eren waved at me.

"Hey." I waved back. "How are you guys?"

"We're good!" Sasha said. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Really great. Way better than what I'm used to." I chuckled.

"Well if we're all ready, let's get going!" Connie said enthusiastically and shot his fist up into the air.

"Yeah!" Sasha agreed and they ran ahead of us to the stables. I giggled.

"Are they always like that?" I asked Eren as the rest of us began to walk.

"Yep. Always." He said.

We got to the stables and everybody got on their horses to ride into town. "Oh, Sophie, I forgot. Do you not have a horse yet?" Eren asked.

"No." I answered. "Not as far as I know."

"Well then you can just ride on the back of mine." He suggested. "Hop on."

"Okay, thanks." I told him and grabbed his outreached hand to help me up. I felt as if somebody was glaring at me but I was too busy trying to stay on the horse to notice. I had only been on one of these before and that was yesterday. I securely wrapped my arms around Eren's waist. He tensed up for a second but then relaxed. I even could have sworn that I saw his ears get a tad bit red.

Time skip

It was about twenty minutes and we made it into town. The group put their horses in a stable and we split off. Sasha and Connie ran off somewhere, Jean, Reiner and Berthodlt walked ahead of us, and Armin quickly pulled Mikasa somewhere else. He seemed to be a little in a hurry. That's a little odd...

"So, where do you want to go?" Eren asked me.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I've never been to anything like this, except in the Underground, but they barely had anything."

"Okay, well let's start there." He said and pointed to the fruit stands.

Mikasa's POV

That little Underground rat... I don't care if she's the captain's daughter... I'm sure she's up to no good.

"Mikasa, I think you should calm down." Armin tried to tell me.

"Calm down?! How can I? Who knows what she's going to do to him!" I responded.

"Listen, Mikasa." Armin said and put his hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down. "Just because she's from the Underground doesn't mean she's going to hurt him. She seems like a really cool and sweet person. Don't you think?"

"I don't know..." I responded. I'm not sure what to do... I could easily take her down, I'm sure. That wouldn't affect Eren, would it?

Sophie's POV

Eren took me to the fruit stalls and we sampled a bunch of fruits that I never even knew existed. There were these small red fruits that I really liked. They were pretty sweet. I think they were called strawberries.

"Sophie, look! Over there they're selling puppies!" Eren pointed out.

"Awwe, they're so cute!" I said and ran over to the stall. The man was nice and let us each hold one. Eren's was a black one with a few white spots and mine was fluffy and had soft light brown fur. It happily yelped and licked my nose. I giggled.

"He likes you!" Eren said and scratched the puppy's head.

Levi's POV

"He likes you!" I heard an enthusiastic voice say from across the street behind me. It was all too familiar. Tch, is that brat here?

I turned around and saw him and Sophie both holding puppies at a stand. The puppy that Sophie was holding was licking her face and Eren was petting it. Tch. He better be careful with his hands-

"Here it is, sir." The owner of the stall I was at said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, thank you." I said and paid the man. I got Sophie a simple but yet elegant bracelet that said 'I love you -Dad' engraved on it.

I took one last glance at the two cadets and then headed back to headquarters to wrap Sophie's gift.

Sophie's POV

It was now lunchtime and Eren and I tried to find the others to eat. After a while we couldn't so we decided to just go ahead and eat on our own. We went to a cute cafe in the market and both ordered sandwiches. I obviously didn't have any money yet so Eren paid. I felt bad but he insisted.

"Thanks for lunch." I smiled at him.

"No problem." He smiled back. Our food then came out and it looked delicious. We were about half-way done eating when Armin and Mikasa spotted us and walked over.

"Hey, guys!" I smiled at them.

"Hey, Sophie." Armin smiled.

"Do you guys want to eat with us?" Eren asked.

"No, thank you. We actually just ate." Armin answered.

"Well you'll get a cramp from walking around too much after eating." I said. "Come sit down with us."

Armin sat down beside Eren and Mikasa sat down beside me. The boys were in their own conversation so I took the opportunity to talk to Mikasa.

"So, Mikasa, how's your day going?" I asked her.

"Fine." She replied curtly.

"Well that's good I guess. I like it here, it seems really cool." I said. She didn't respond. "Oh, I heard that you're really good in fighting and 3DMG. Would you mind giving me some tips if I need it?"

"Sure." She said again curtly.

"Great, thank you." I smiled at her. "I just don't want anything bad to happen out there, ya know?"

"Yeah..." She replied, looking out to the street.

"Hey, guys!" We looked up and saw the rest of the group. "You guys ready to get going?"

"Sure." Eren replied and we got up to go back to the stable. I again rode on the back of Eren's horse and got the same feeling that someone was staring at me. I ignored it, thinking that maybe it was just all in my head.

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