Chapter 14 ~ First Date

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Just in the past two days the announcement of mine and Eren's relationship has spread around the whole Survey Corps. I didn't expect it to. However, we were both already pretty well known. Humanity's last hope & Captain Levi's unexpected, all-of-a-sudden daughter.

I didn't mind it, though. Mainly everybody was happy for us. We would simply walk through the hall holding hands and would have people come up to us telling us how cute of a couple we were. It was quite flattering to be honest.

Everybody was happy for us except for Mikasa. I wanted to talk to her about all of this but I remembered that Armin said that it was probably best not to. I still tried to be friendly with her, however. I'd greet her in the hallway and at lunch. I even asked if she wanted to go out into town together sometime. She'd usually just glare at me and keep silent, sometimes even just walking away. Eren told me not to worry about it, so I decided to just trust him. I just hope everything can work out between us, especially now that she's my boyfriend's sister. I mean no harm whatsoever.

However, when I say everybody in the Survey Corps found out about our relationship, that includes Hanji. When she found out she completely freaked out and immediately dragged me into town to find some more cute clothes and whatnot.

So here we are now, me getting ready for my first date with Eren. Hanji, Sasha, Christa and Ymir were all in my room helping me. I told them it really wasn't necessary but they insisted. Christa did my makeup, Sasha did my hair, Hanji picked out my outfit and Ymir just sat on my bed observing, every now and then making a comment.

"Sophie you look so pretty!" Christa exclaimed as I walked out of the bathroom, changed and ready to go. I was wearing a light blue sundress with sandals. My makeup was natural and my hair was lightly curled. I didn't know what Eren had planned, he just said to dress casual and he'd come get me at 6.

"Hehe, thanks." I said. "Thank you guys a lot for helping me get ready. You really didn't have to, though."

"Nonsense!" Hanji said. "We wouldn't want to miss helping you get all dressed up for your first date!"

"Hehe, thanks, Hanji." I said. "I'm kind of nervous, though."

"Don't be!" Sasha said. "Eren's a cool guy, and knowing him, he's probably just as nervous as you are. Just make sure he doesn't turn into a titan." She winked at me.

"I'll keep my eye on that." I joked back to her. There was then a knock on the door.

"That must be him! Go answer it!" Hanji said and shoved me towards the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. However, standing on the other side of the door wasn't Eren. It was my dad.

"Oh, hey, dad." I smiled at him, although a bit surprised.

"Hey, sweetie." He said and stepped into the room.

"Do you need something?" I asked him.

"I just wanted to see you before you went off with that Jaeger bra-" He stopped himself and took a deep breath. "Eren."

"You look beautiful." He said and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you." I said and hugged him. He hugged me back but then we heard another knock on the door.

"That's probably him." My dad said. I nodded and walked over to open the door. It revealed a classy but casual looking Eren. He was wearing dark navy pants and a white shirt. His clothes were neat and his hair was nicely brushed. He saw me and started blushing.

"You, uh... you look really nice, Sophie." He said, a bit flustered. I giggled.

"Thanks you. You do, too." I replied.

"Thanks." He said. "Should we get going?" He offered his arm.

"Sure." I smiled and took his arm. We left but not before hearing a yell from Hanji exclaiming "Have fun!" and what sounded like my dad kicking her. We looked at each other and laughed.

Eren led the way because the date was supposed to be a surprise. Once we were at the HQ entrance he told me to close my eyes and he led the way.

We kept walking until we stopped and he told me to open my eyes. I did so and was immediately so happy. He had led me to the big tree on the training grounds and on the ground was a blanket with a full picnic set up. It consisted of sandwiches, fruit, cake and lemonade. "Did you do all this?" I asked Eren.

"I had some help from Armin but mostly, yes." He smiled at me. "And these are for you." He pulled out a bouquet of white lilies from behind his back. They were so beautiful.

"Wow. Thank you, Eren." I took the flowers and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed a bit.

"You're welcome." He said. "Should we get started?"

"Yeah!" I giggled and we sat down on the blanket to start eating.

Time skip

The picnic was amazing. It was so delicious. Once we were done we packed everything into the basket. We then laid down hand-in-hand together and looked up at the stars.

"The stars are so beautiful." I commented.

"Yeah, they really are." Eren said. "Hey, Sophie?"

"Hm?" I replied and looked over to him.

"I'm... I'm really glad I met you." He said. It almost made me tear up. "I don't care what Mikasa or other people may think or say, you're not like the rest of them down there. You're different. You're... special."

"Eren..." A lone tear of happiness rolled down my cheek. "Thank you so much." I leaned over to him and hugged him. I felt him smile into my embrace and hug back.

"You're welcome." He said. We pulled back and stared into each other's eyes. We then simultaneously leaned in closer to each other until our lips met in a warm, sweet kiss. Most people would say this was too soon, but I didn't care. I really liked Eren, I probably even loved him, so everything's was alright.

We pulled away and I laid back down, my head on his chest. "I love you." He said. I smiled and looked up at him.

"I love you, too."

Eren's POV

She looked so beautiful, looking up at me smiling with the stars in her eyes. How did I get so lucky?

We laid for a bit longer stargazing and Sophie eventually fell asleep. I picked her up bridal-style and carried her off to her room, deciding to come back later and get the picnic stuff.

I made it to her room and laid her down on the bed, covering her up. I kissed her forehead and left, making my way down to my room, or should I say cell, in the dungeon.

Levi's POV

I saw out my office window Eren carrying Sophie bridal-style. She seemed to be asleep. Even from far away I could tell that she looked content and happy. I was glad. I was glad that after such a short time of coming up from the Underground she was able to find happiness. Even annoying Four-eyes made her happy.

I sat back down at my desk and lightly sighed to myself, smiling a small bit.

I'm just... glad she's happy. I'm glad... she's here.

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