Chapter 10 ~ Training

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"Okay, Sophie, the first thing we're going to be doing is practicing killing titans with 3DMG." My dad told me. I nodded. "You'll go through this forest and kill as many fake titans as you can. Just slice deeply through the nape of their neck. I'll time you. Are you ready?"

"Yep." I nodded confidently.

"Okay, and... go!" My dad said and I was off. I was zooming through the forest for several seconds before I saw my first fake titan.

I unhooked my right grappling hook from a tree and hooked it into the back of the head of the titan. I went in fast and spun, slicing through the nape. I continued on but looked behind me at my work. Not bad.

I went on zooming through the forest and killing fake titans until I soon enough came to the end to see my dad and the Special Ops squad waiting for me. My dad stopped the timer and looked impressed. "Barely over a minute. You did good, brat." He said and ruffled my hair.

"Hehe, thank you." I said.

"Now we're going to practice some hand-to-hand combat." He said.

"What's hand-to-hand combat got to do with fighting titans?" I asked, confused. Wouldn't that just be a waste of time?

"It's a good skill to have." My dad said. "Oftentimes, titans aren't the only enemies we'll have in this world." We walked over to the training field next to headquarters. "Okay, first let's see how you do against Petra." My dad said and gave me a wooden knife. We stood facing each other with our fists clenched, standing in a fighting position. "And go!"

She ran towards me and threw a punch at my face. I quickly blocked it with my right hand and placed my left hand on her upper back, bringing her down and kneeing her in the stomach. She let out a grunt of pain and stumbled back a bit. I took the opportunity to swipe her feet out from under her. She fell back and I jumped on top of her, pressing the wooden knife I had to her neck.

"Okay, okay, you win." She smiled up at me. I got up off of her and held out my hand to help her up.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't go too hard on you." I smiled at her.

"No, it's okay. You're good and quick." She said and accepted my hand.

"That was good, Sophie." My dad said and I felt a fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Not only was it my dad who praised me, it was Humanity's Strongest. "Now let's see how you do against, let's see... Oluo." I smirked and looked over to him. He slightly shuddered at my glance but nonetheless got into a fighting position opposite of me. "And go!" My dad said.

I charged first this time. I threw a punch to his stomach and kicked his side. He stumbled but still tried to throw a punch to the side of my head. I ducked and kicked his feet. He started fo fall forward so I got him over my shoulder and flipped him to the ground. He grunted in pain and I went to press the wooden knife to his neck. "I win." I smirked at him.

"Tch." He glared at me and I allowed him to get up.

"That's all for today. Go get some lunch, everybody." My dad said. Everyone saluted and walked off. Eren came to walk beside me.

"You did really great today, Sophie." He said.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Do you think that maybe you could teach me some of that sometime?" He asked a bit sheepishly.

"Sure, I'd be glad to."

"If you don't mind me asking, did you learn all of that in the Underground?"

"Most of it, yes." I answered. "And I mean, I am an Ackerman after all."

He chuckled. "Yeah, guess so."

We continued making our way to the mess hall but little did I know that someone was watching.

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